Disclaimer: the following post is not a full solution. It is just a series of very simple examples showing how to implement message broadcasting. A production grade solution may look very similar (just as simple as this, in fact), but with one critical difference: security. I left security out of the examples to focus strictly on how to broadcast notifications. DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS SOLUTION WITHOUT FIRST SECURING THE CLIENT CONNECTIONS!! I give some security ideas at the end of this post.
In the OTN forums, a customer recently asked how to push notification messages from the server to logged in users. It is a good question, and it's one I have heard before. For example, let's say you are an administrator and you want to push out a message telling all users that the system is going down for maintenance in 15 minutes. This is a tricky issue because it stands in contrast to the protocol chosen by modern enterprise applications: HTTP(S), also known as "the web." Through the web, client browsers connect to servers and then disconnect. Servers don't connect to clients, and clients don't hold connections open while waiting for a constant stream. This is what makes the server side message push challenging. How can a server push a message to a disconnected client? Some very smart people have come up with a few answers with long polling and WebSockets being the most common.
The next question: How can a PeopleSoft developer implement this type of solution? It would be possible to implement a long polling solution using an iScript (I don't recommend this, but let me explain it anyway). With this approach a browser makes an Ajax request to an iScript and the iScript sleeps, loops, and does whatever it can to avoid responding until it has something to send back to the client. In this case, the iScript would wait until a database table contained a message, and then it would send that message back to the client. The client would process the message and immediately create another connection to the server. Here is why I don't recommend this type of solution: the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA). PIA is designed to perform well in a disconnected state. Connection pooling, etc. work well when disconnected. Changing the client's behavior by maintaining a persistent connection to PeopleCode running on the app server pretty much invalidates the use of a connection pool. Running this type of connected service would require a dramatic increase in app server connections. This would require one app server connection for each logged in user PLUS a pool of stateless connections to be shared by normal PIA clients. The app server pool is generally smaller than the maximum number of expected connections because no one expects every client browser to connect at exactly the same time. Using iScript based long polling, however, would dramatically increase that number. If anyone has other experiences, please share them.
Rather than tie up so much of PIA with a plethora of light-weight, potentially insignificant requests, I prefer socket.io coupled with node.js. The idea here is that many PeopleSoft clients connect to the socket.io server, but we only make one connection to the PeopleSoft server. In fact, we don't have to make any connections to the PeopleSoft server. Rather, the PeopleSoft server can connect to socket.io as a special client. Think of this as sort of a "chat" application where there are lots of participants waiting, but only one person is speaking. We just don't want to tie up the whole PIA while waiting for the server to "speak." Here is a sample node.js socket program:
var app = require('http').createServer()
, io = require('socket.io').listen(app)
, fs = require('fs');
app.listen(8888 /* pick a port */);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// The "master" (PeopleSoft) will send a "notification" message if it has
// something to broadcast
// TODO: authenticate client here
socket.on('notification', function (data) {
socket.broadcast.emit('notification', data);
Now we need a way to register PeopleSoft web browser clients as participants in this "chat." The easiest way I know of to register clients is to inject JavaScript into a common HTML definition. If you are using PT 8.52 or later, I recommend PT_COMMON. For earlier versions of PeopleTools, I recommend PT_COPYURL. When injecting JavaScript libraries through a JavaScript file, we have to follow certain rules:
- Don't use document.write. The document.write method assumes the browser is still parsing the original document. In the modern Ajax world, that may not be true.
- Don't write code that uses a library without first loading the library. This seems obvious, but it is really about the way a browser handles JavaScript. When we import a library using the technique below, the library isn't yet available, so don't follow the import with library specific code. Make sure the library is ready first.
Here is a sample injection listing that imports the socket.io JavaScript library. When implementing this type of solution, you would add something like this to to PT_COPYURL or PT_COMMON.
(function() {
// Update with your socket.io server
var socketServerUrl = "http://jims-laptop:8888";
var importScript = function(url) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = url;
var setupSocket = function() {
// there are many ways to ensure that a script is ready
if (!window.io) {
setTimeout(setupSocket, 1000);
} else {
var socket = io.connect(socketServerUrl);
socket.on("notification", function (data) {
importScript(socketServerUrl + "/socket.io/socket.io.js");
This will register each logged in user's browser window with the socket server. Of course, if a user has multiple windows open, each will receive notifications. The notification demonstrated here is a very obtrusive JavaScript alert. There are a lot more elegant notification methods.
The final piece that remains is registering PeopleSoft as the "master" chat participant. There are at least 101 ways to accomplish this, so I'll just give a boilerplate node.js script showing how to connect and broadcast a message. How you register with the socket server will depend on your use case. If your use case is to create an online page where administrators can type in a broadcast message and have it instantly sent to all logged in users, then you can create a simple PeopleSoft page/component with an HTML area and JavaScript very similar to below. The page would have a text area for entering a message and a button for sending the message. On send, the code would call socket.emit to send the message. If your requirement is to send a broadcast message based on the changing contents of a database table, then you may write a database specific procedure to connect and send the message. If you have to check the state of the application on interval and send a message, then you might use a shell script or node.js script to check something on interval and then send a broadcast message if required. Another approach may be to have Integration Broker send a special message to the node.js server (with authentication, of course).
Here is a node.js example. It broadcasts a message every 5 seconds, just for testing purposes.
var io = require('socket.io-client'),
// update the server and port #
socket = io.connect('jims-laptop', {
port: 8888
socket.on('connect', function () { console.log("socket connected"); });
var counter = 1;
setInterval(function() {
socket.emit('notification', {message: 'This is a very important PeopleSoft message! Ping #' + counter});
counter += 1;
}, 5000);
Please note that we didn't secure any of this communication! Given the implementation above, any user could broadcast to all other users by simply typing the appropriate emit statement into a JavaScript console. When securing this notification, you want to ensure two things:
- That all connected clients are real PeopleSoft users (except the master)
- That only the "master" (or administrators) can send broadcast messages