Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Changing the Search Page Operator

I just posted about Monkey Patching, a technique used in chapter 7 of my book PeopleTools Tips and Techniques to set the default search page operator on advanced search pages (Note: only 8.50 and later required Monkey Patching). As I was looking over the "Changing Search Operators" section of chapter 7, I noticed the code was missing a few lines (pages 293 - 296). Here is my revision:

<script type="text/javascript">
  // C style include protection
  if(!window.apt.setSearchOp) {
    window.apt.setSearchOp = true;
    if( {
      // pt 8.50
      (function($) {
        var originalContentLoader = net.ContentLoader;
        net.ContentLoader = function(url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt) {
          var originalOnLoad = onload;
          if(name == "#ICAdvSearch") {
            onload = function() {
              if (typeof originalOnLoad == "undefined" || !originalOnLoad) {
              } else {
              // The value for "between" is 9. Change this to your desired
              // search operator value.
              var newValue = 9;

              // The name of the search key field is APT_UI_SCRIPTS_MENUNAME.
              // Generally speaking, PeopleSoft creates HTML element names by
              // combining record and field names with an underscore as in
              // RECORD_FIELD. Change the following value to the name of your
              // search key record_field
              var coll = $("select[name='APT_UI_SCRIPTS_MENUNAME$op']");
              if(coll.val() != newValue) {
          return new originalContentLoader (url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt);
    } else {
      // pt 8.4x, $(document).ready below will handle pt 8.4x
    // just in case advanced is the initial view
    $(document).ready(function() {
      var newValue = 9;
      var coll = $("select[name='APT_UI_SCRIPTS_MENUNAME$op']");
      if(coll.val() != newValue) {

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Monkey Patching PeopleSoft

As a PeopleSoft developer responsible for upgrades and maintenance, I work extra hard up front to avoid changing delivered code. My potential reward is less work at patch, bundle, or upgrade time. One way I deliver new user interface features without modifying delivered code is by writing Monkey Patches. Monkey Patching is a term used with dynamic languages for modifying runtime behavior without changing design time code. Dynamic languages, such as JavaScript support this by allowing developers to override, extend, or even redefine objects and methods at runtime. Let me set up a scenario:

In PeopleTools 8.49 and earlier, I could tell when an action happened in a component (FieldChange, Save, Prompt, etc) by listening for the window load and unload and document ready events. PeopleTools 8.50, however, triggers these events through Ajax requests, which means the page state doesn't change. With 8.50, I had to find an alternative JavaScript mechanism for identifying these same actions, and the PeopleTools net.ContentLoader JavaScript object seemed just the ticket. By wrapping this JavaScript object with my own implementation, I can hook into the PeopleTools Ajax request/response processing cycle. If you have Firebug and PeopleTools 8.50 (or higher), then load up your User Profile component (/psc/ URL only) and run this JavaScript:

(function() {
  var originalContentLoader = net.ContentLoader;
  net.ContentLoader = function(url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt) {
    return new originalContentLoader (url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt);

Next, click on one of the prompt buttons on the user profile General tab. You should see the name of the button you clicked appear in the Firebug console. Notice that the button name appears in the Firebug console before the Ajax HTTP Post. If you wanted to take action after the Ajax response, then you would implement your own onload handler like this:

(function() {
  var originalContentLoader = net.ContentLoader;
  net.ContentLoader = function(url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt) {
    var originalOnLoad = onload;
    onload = function() {
      if (typeof originalOnLoad == "undefined" || !originalOnLoad) {
      } else {;
      console.log("Ajax response received");

    return new originalContentLoader (url,form,name,method,onload,onerror,params,contentType,bAjax,bPrompt);

Notice that the text "Ajax response received" appears after the HTTP post, meaning it executed after the page received the Ajax response.

When creating Monkey Patches, it is critical that you consider the original purpose of the overridden code. In this example we redefined the net.ContentLoader, but maintained a pointer to the prior definition. It is possible that another developer may come after me and create another patch on net.ContentLoader. By maintaining a pointer to the net.ContentLoader, as it was defined when my code ran, I ensure that each patch continues to function. In essence, I'm developing a chain of patches.

Monkey Patching has a somewhat less than desirable reputation, and for good reason. If allowed to grow, patches on patches can make a system very difficult to troubleshoot and maintain. Furthermore, if one patch is not aware of another patch, then it is entirely possible that a patch could be inserted in the wrong place in the execution chain, upsetting the desired order of patches.

"With great power comes great responsibility" (Voltaire, Thomas Francis Gilroy, Spiderman's Uncle Ben? Hard to say who deserves credit for this phrase). Use this Monkey Patching technique sparingly, and be careful.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Accordion Navigation Collections

A few months ago we released a White paper about PeopleSoft Applications Portal and WorkCenter Pages that showed screen shots of an accordion menu. A lot of you asked how we created these pagelets. Tomorrow in our OOW session PeopleSoft Answers: How to Create a Great PeopleSoft UI, I will demonstrate creating the pagelet, but we won't have time to walk through the XSL -- the critical piece. For those of you that will be there (and those that won't but know how to use Pagelet Wizard), here is the XSL: accordion-nav-hosted.xsl.

Disclaimer: I make no warranty regarding the use of this XSL.

Security Warning: To make sure the XSL will work "out of the box," I pointed the JavaScript at Google's hosted JavaScript API's. Since this code is used on your enterprise home pages, I suggest you replace these references with references to your own site's versions of these libraries. The thought of allowing some external service to run code on my pages makes me a bit nervous.

I have to point out a minor difference between the output of this XSL and the output shown in the white paper: This XSL opens links in the current window or a new window. It does not use modal dialogs. Navigation Collection XML contains absolute PSP URL's, which don't display well in a modal dialog. The version shown in the White paper actually uses a custom transformer and some PeopleCode to convert psp URL's into psc URL's for dialogs.

Update March 5, 2012: Leandro, a reader of this blog, posted his derivative of this stylesheet. You can download it here. Leandro wants to make sure you know that it works on the single nav collection for which he tested, but other exceptions may arise. I looked through the XSL, and it looks good. Here is a list of the differences between Leandro's version and mine:

  • Updated the links to jQuery and jQuery UI (JS and CSS) to the latest versions.
  • Commented out the custom dialog framework code that would open jQuery UI dialog IFrames (because the code to make the iframe is not present in Jim's original).
  • Included the description of the top-level folders in the H3 tag's title attribute, so mouse-over of the accordion items will display the description of the menu. (This was already done by you for inner folders and shortcuts.)
  • The resulting accordion menu will be sorted as you would typically find in a PeopleSoft navigation collection: all folders before all shortcuts, and the "# more..." pseudofolder (if any) at the end.