Several months ago I had the opportunity to configure a PeopleSoft system to "trust" users' desktop credentials. Some would call this single signon or even Desktop Integrated Signon. Implementing desktop integrated signon requires some configuration and a small amount of development. The process looks like this:
- Download the JCIFS NtlmHttpFilter,
- Modify the filter to pass the desktop user name to the app server as a request header (compile and deploy included, of course),
- Write some signon PeopleCode,
- Enable public access,
- Enable signon PeopleCode, and
- Configure your web server to use your new filter (see the JCIFS NtlmHttpFilter documentation for configuration details as details will differ depending on your environment).
After downloading the filter and filter source code, open the NtlmHttpServletRequest
and implement the getHeader
and getHeaderNames
overrides with the following code.
public String getHeader(String name) {
if(name.equals("XX_REMOTE_USER") {
return getRemoteUser();
} else {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)this.getRequest();
return req.getHeader(name);
public Enumeration getHeaderNames() {
Vector headers = new Vector();
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)this.getRequest();
for (Enumeration e = req.getHeaderNames() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
return headers.elements();
Next, put the following PeopleCode in a FUNCLIB:
Local string &userName = %Request.GetHeader("XX_REMOTE_USER");
Local number &foundSlash = Find("/", &userName);
REM ** remove the NT/AD domain;
If(&foundSlash > 0) Then
&userName = Substring(&userName, &foundSlash + 1, Len(&userName));
&foundSlash = Find("\", &username);
If(&foundSlash > 0) Then
&userName = Substring(&userName, &foundSlash + 1, Len(&userName));
If(Len(&userName) > 0) Then
SetAuthenticationResult(True, &userName);
SetAuthenticationResult(False, &userName, "Web server authentication failure");
Like I said, it has been a few months since I wrote this code, and, unfortunately, I'm typing it here from memory. Please correct any mistakes I've made. Refer to PeopleBooks for enabling signon PeopleCode and enabling public access. Both are documented in the Security Administration PeopleBook.
A couple of issues I've found with this approach:
- If you are using Enterprise Portal and want to allow desktop integrated signon to both the portal and to the content provider apps, then you will need to further customize the filter to skip NTLM on your content provider web servers when the client is the portal server. Otherwise, the NtlmHttpFilter will not allow portal to access those web servers (this only affects homepage creation when you have pagelets that come from a content provider). If you only access your PeopleSoft systems through Enterprise Portal, then this is not an issue. Likewise, if you are configuring this solution on your PeopleSoft applications and you do not have Enterprise Portal, then this is not an issue.
- In this scenario, your app server trusts the security information provided by the web server, bypassing the app server's standard authentication routine. This may pose a security threat if users can gain access to your app server. To mitigate this risk, you may want to either hide your app server behind a firewall or perform additional validation/authentication (digitally encrypt the user ID request header on the web server with a certificate and decrypt it on the app server, pass the NTLM authentication token on to the app server and validate it again, etc).
- Since this solution requires your web server to trust your desktop, make sure your organization has a strong password policy forcing strong passwords. If you use a desktop integrated sign on solution, then any user that can gain access to a desktop by cracking a password can also gain access to your Enterprise applications. As an alternative to passwords, consider key fobs.
If you would like to allow administrators to log in as someone other than their desktop user (psadmin, for example), then you can add an "if" test to your signon PeopleCode that compares %SignonUserId
to the public user name. If the user name is the same as your public user name, then log the user into the application as the user given by the web server. Otherwise, return from this function and allow the standard signon processing to authenticate the user.