Thursday, February 07, 2008

Portal Template Settings

PeopleSoft uses Content References (CREF's) to describe how to display content within the PeopleSoft Portal (Enterprise or standard PeopleTools Portal). A very important setting for describing how to display a CREF is the CREF's template. The template describes how the content should be wrapped or "framed." Some templates proxy content into a single HTML page. Other templates use frames to display content. The most common frames template is the template that displays the header at the top, a menu on the left, and a content window on the right. If a CREF does not specify a template, then the Portal will use the default template. The default CREF template is set in PeopleTools > Portal > General Settings. If you haven't changed this setting, then your template is DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, also known as Portal default template. After looking up the default template, we can navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content to view the definition for this template. Templates are stored in the portal registry under Portal Objects > Templates. If your template has a storage type of "Local (in HTML Catalog)", then you can modify your template's HTML directly in this CREF. CREF's with a storage type of "Remote by URL", like the Portal default template, usually retrieve dynamic content from an IScript. Theoretically, you could store your template definition in any format or system as long as it is accessible by a URL (think of the possibilities for dynamic or even hosted templates). The IScript for the delivered Portal default template reads its settings from a different Content Reference. The name of this settings content reference is stored in the field PT_PORTAL_PROFILE of table PS_PTPP_OPTIONS.


With just a CREF name, you will have a hard time changing the template's values. The post Query for Component and/or CREF Navigation contains SQL to help you find the Structure and Content navigation for the CREF stored in PT_PORTAL_PROFILE. If you haven't customized your system, the settings CREF is PT_PORTAL_PROFILE (or PAPP_PORTAL_PROFILE if you are using Enterprise Portal). The PT_PORTAL_PROFILE CREF is stored in the Portal Registry's structure and content at Tools - Hidden > PeopleTools Portal Profile (For Enterprise Portal: Enterprise Portal - Hidden > Enterprise Portal Profile). From this CREF's attributes, you can specify the frame header height, whether to display the menu title, whether to show Search in the menu, as well as many other portal related settings. For example, if you wanted to change the frame header height from the default of 65 to 48 to give you more space for content, you would change the value of the attribute HEADER_FRAME_ROWS from 65 to 48.


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sane said...

Hi Jim,
I was doing some portal branding and came with an issue. In the top left hand corner after we sign in there is an image that allows the left hand menu links to be expanded or collapsed. Can we change the position of this image. for example, i changed the header frame rows attribute to accomodate a bigger logo, everything works fine but i am not able to push the expand/collapse menu image down

Jim Marion said...

@sane, navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > General Settings. Look for "Menu title position." Change this value to the value that is appropriate for your logo.

When you make this change, you should see a corresponding change in the PT_PORTAL_PROFILE CREF MENUTITLE_POSITION attribute. You might need to restart the app/web server after making the change.

I've seen lots of people increase the header size. Personally, I think this is a mistake. Here is my perspective, "I'm a user. I like a nice user interface. I like having my company's logo for identity. I also really like having screen real estate for performing tasks." From this perspective, I would actually like to see that header frame minimized as much as possible. It is important to have colors and graphics that identify the site, but it is also important to ensure users can perform their tasks in PeopleSoft as efficiently as possible. To me, reducing the header is like putting the visor down while driving. It reduces my visibility.

newbie said...

Hi Jim,
I want to put a custom template for Manager Self Services. What we wanted is to put our banner in MSS pages. So I developed a HTML template and it is not working at all. After I attached this custom template to the content reference in Content ref administration and go back to MSS pages the whole page became blank with out my grids. When I saw the source code it is not using the code that I wrote. So I changed it back to Frame Template and put the code and I get my code but I don't get the grid that I am supposed to see. Do we need to give any separate permissions to this template.


Jim Marion said...

@newbie, template changes sometimes require app/web server restart.

sane said...

where is this PT_PORTAL_PROFILE CREF MENUTITLE_POSITION attribute located ?

sane said...


Jim Marion said...

@sane, sorry. Open the Portal registry (PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content). In the registry, navigate to Tools - Hidden > PeopleTools Portal Profile

Raj said...

In the Universal Navigation Header, there are two lines of link. The first one has Home, Worklist, Multichannel, signout etc.. the second line contains Help, New Window, CopyUrltoClip board.
How do I remove this second line from the default portal?

Jim Marion said...

@Rajendran, that second line isn't part of the header, it is actually part of the PeopleSoft page content/component. You can remove this on a per-page basis by opening the component properties and clicking the "Disable Pagebar" check box.

If you want to hide it on a global basis, then add this to the PT_COPYURL HTML Definition: document.getElementById("PAGEBAR").style.display="none". Take a look at Injecting JavaScript Libraries into PeopleSoft Pages for this global JavaScript injection technique.

Raj said...

Thanks Jim..
In portal genreral settings, i changed the Node Template of Node HRMS from 'Portal default template' to 'header, target only template'
Now, it allows me to sign-in but errors out when I click on any left hand nav.
How do I restore this value back to default?

Raj said...

Hi Jim,
This is a follow up to my earlier question where you had recommeded to modify PT_COPYURL HTML Definition: document.getElementById("PAGEBAR").style.display="none".

My query is regarding the AddAttachment builtin function. When this is invoked, a page is shown with Browse, upload, cancel button - so that we can upload a file.
I need to clear the Pagebar icons on this page and I am not able to do so.
Can you help?


Jim Marion said...

@Rajendran, good point about the AddAttachment pages. I used Firebug, a plugin for Firefox, to determine what to hide and what HTML definition to modify. First, check to see if PT_COPYURL is in the AddAttachment page. If not, then find a different JavaScript file served from /cs/.../cache/...js. This will be an HTML definition in the database. If PT_COPYURL is included in the AddAttachment page, then check the HTML around the page bar. Perhaps it is different and that is why it won't hide.

Raj said...

Hi Jim,
I need to add the statement to an HTML other than PT_COPYURL, as otherwise, the pagebar link is hidden only after the user clicks the link.
Is there a common javascript (html) which is used for all pages? Maybe I can add the statement to it.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
This is really great information. I am creating a group of pages where I don't want anything but Sign out to appear on the top right blue bar. I don't want the left menu or any other navigation links. I found a template called NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE that I set up on my components in Portal that gets rid of everything except the Home link. I now just need to figure out how to get rid of the Home link. Is there another template that will do what I want or can I modify the NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE? I only want this to occur on the specific pages I'm creating, not throughout the whole application.
Thanks very much!

Jim Marion said...

@Susanne, you might also want to look at the HOMEPAGE_DESIGNER_TEMPLATE or the no nav template.

I'm sure you've noticed there is a template setting on a CREF. This allows you to specify a template for a single CREF without affecting other CREF's. Rather than change the delivered templates, I recommend that you copy the template into a new template. As I'm sure you saw, templates are just CREF's in Portal Structure and Content. Once you copy and modify your new template, open your target CREF in Portal Structure and Content and set the template to your new template.

Using custom templates, you can change the layout anyway you want.

Jim Marion said...

@Rajendran, other common JavaScript HTML definitions... yes, there are several. The best way to find them is to view source on a page and search for javascript. If you have Firebug installed, then you can use the scripts tab to see all the JavaScripts.

The problem with using one of the other shared JavaScripts is that PeopleTools 8.4x has a maximum size limitation for HTML definitions. Most of the shared JavaScripts are at or near that maximum size. PT_COPYURL is the only one I'm familiar with that has room to spare.

Rey said...

Hi Jim
I'm trying to locate the html template that Peoplesoft uses to generate HTML source for a content reference based on a component. For a cref based on an Iscript, the html template is quite obvious. This is not so if the CREF is based on a component. Do you know what and where it is.
Thanks and regards

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
Thanks for the previous information. I can't seem to find a template that has everything I want. I do have everything working just for my pages but I'm still using NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE as that gets me closest to what I want. I just need to get rid of the Home link. Can you give me direction on how to get rid of it, assuming I've copied to a custom template. Is it in the PeopleCode? Is it in the HTML? I spent hours looking at it on Friday and couldn't really figure it out as I'm not very HTML saavy.
Thanks again!

Jim Marion said...

@Rey, Template definitions are CREF's in PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content. From there you will see the HTML for a template. The template a specific CREF uses is specified on the CREF itself. If a CREF doesn't have a template specified, then it uses the default template. The default template is specified at PeopleTools > Portal > General Settings.

@Susanne, The template you are using contains the following markup:

<Source Node="LOCAL_NODE" href="s/WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.IScript_UniHeader" />

WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.IScript_UniHeader is PeopleCode that tells the page assembler how to build the header. It is this PeopleCode that contains the sign out link. IScript_UniHeader creates an app class. The name of the App Class is is specified in PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > PeopleTools Options. If you haven't changed this and you are using a PeopleSoft app (not enterprise portal), then the app class will be
PT_BRANDING:BrandingBase. The HTML for the signout link will be in PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NNS.

Removing the signout link while retaining the header definition will require you to clone the existing logic and remove the part where it generates the signout link. If you have a single language install, then you can copy the HTML generated by the PeopleCode logic and paste it into a new HTML template. One problem with this is images. Images stored in the database will need to be copied to the web server so you can serve static images.

Building a page without a signout link is definitely possible, it will just take a little creativity.

Rey said...

Hi Jim,
Thanks for the info. However I was not referring to the PS templates as defined in Structure and Content. I'm referring to the HTML which is used as the basis for generating a Peoplesoft page that is based on a component. Something like PTPP_SC_APPNAV_PAGE. If the content reference is based on IScript, it's quite obvious what HTML is being called by the Iscript to build the final HTML page. For a component, it's not that obvious. Not sure if there is a predefined HTML or Peoplesoft creates the page using some Peoplecode. I hope I've explained myself clear.
Thanks in advance.

Rey said...

Hi Jim,
Thanks for the info. However I was not referring to the PS templates as defined in Structure and Content. I'm referring to the HTML which is used as the basis for generating a Peoplesoft page that is based on a component. Something like PTPP_SC_APPNAV_PAGE. If the content reference is based on IScript, it's quite obvious what HTML is being called by the Iscript to build the final HTML page. For a component, it's not that obvious. Not sure if there is a predefined HTML or Peoplesoft creates the page using some Peoplecode. I hope I've explained myself clear.
Thanks in advance.

Jim Marion said...

@Rey, I think I'm getting it... If you choose/create a frame based template, then the HTML from the template will be used to construct the frameset, but won't have anything to do with the actual content page in the TargetContent frame. If I understand correctly, you are referring to the HTML used to construct the TargetContent frame. No, that isn't an HTML definition. It is all constructed somewhere in the PeopleSoft black box. You can hook into it to modify it by adding JavaScript to HTML definitions like PT_COPYURL, but that is it. Does this answer your question?

Jim Marion said...

@gurudev, Thank you for the information. I actually wasn't aware of this. What version of PeopleTools are you using? I noticed there are some changes for PeopleTools 8.50 and was wondering if this behavior was new for PeopleTools 8.50.

Yes, there is always a way. I haven't tried to add attachments to a non frames template, so I haven't come up with a work around, but I know it is possible to come up with one.

Renato said...

Hi Jim,
I am creating Kiosk access to do a Class search at a university. Users are supposed to click a link (without being authenticated) and then be taken to this peoplesoft page. Using BPNavTemplate I am able to hide the navigation. But they can still click on Home, search and sing out. I would like to not show the blue bar accross the top so they don't have an option to do anything but just work with the page I am taking them to. Any simple way to accomplish this? I am NOT using the enterprise portal. Also, I have created a new site, so I can do this globlaly without impacting anything else.

Jim Marion said...

@Renato, what about just using the PSC URL? Using the /psc/ instead of /psp/ URL is the easiest solution.

If you want to keep the header, but don't want links (like the delivered header), and don't have Enterprise Portal, then you will have to create a new template that includes the HTML header information that you desire and then the appropriate PeopleSoft tag to include page content. You can copy one of the other templates for a pattern.

Krishna said...


I was doing some branding where the user does not want left nav so i modified the cref to reflect home page desinger template and it seems to work but when i have a push button that transfers me to a different page (page being transferred to also has the home page designer template associated on its cref) the left nav pops up again, is this how its supposed to work?

Jim Marion said...

@Krishna, a different page in the same component or a different page in a different component? If a different component, that would be a different CREF and would use the template for that different CREF.

Krishna said...

It's going to a page in a different component and even that component has home page designer template.

Jim Marion said...

@Krishna, did you restart your web server and app server and clear cache in both (empty the cache directories)? Sometimes template settings can get stuck in cache and not clear when you update the cref.

Krishna said...

Yes, cache was purged and app and web servers bounced after the change.And the code behind push button is a simple transfer peoplecode function to the new component. Its kind of strange that when i visit a component directly by clicking on CREF left nav does not show but when i visit the same component by clicking on some push button or hyper link on a different page it shows up.

Jim Marion said...

@Krishna, I see. Since you don't see the nav when you use the menu, I'm assuming your cache is OK. I suggest you open a case with global support.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim ,
I want one of my peoplesoft page to look like a 4 frame page with one header frame at the top and with three columns frame below. The left most and the right most of the frames should show different links as the menus and the central space shows the content.
Can you give me the approach to do this. Is it possible to create this frame template as a custom template? If so where is this option available in the peoplesoft.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim
I need to create a peoplesoft page with four frames. One header frame on top and three frames as three columns below the header. In the left and the right frames i should display different special links and on the center i should display peoplesoft page based on the selection of the links. What is the best approach for this? How can i create a template with this four frames ? Where is the option to create a template in peoplesoft?It will be of great help if you can give some guidence on this topic

Mysha(Hazel) said...

How to create a new Iscript based portal template ? Where should I define my Iscript. Do you have any example. In first look I cant find this in your book. I can work in Iscript but dnt know how to link this Iscript in template definition and how do I link to all the Signout , new window kind of links.

An example will be really helpful


Jim Marion said...

@Sandra, of the 3 frames, how many of them are components? As you know, the 8.4x PeopleSoft pages consist of a couple of frames: header, menu, and transaction, but only one of those frames consists of a PeopleSoft transaction. To have more than one transaction would require multiple state blocks on the web server. you can accomplish this by adding _newwin to your site name in your URL's, but that is another story...

You register templates in the Portal Registry under Portal Objects > Templates. I suggest you review the existing templates. You may find a good starting point for your own template. Once you have one created, open the CREF that will use this new template and change the template assigned to that CREF.

@Prateek, your question is very similar to Sandra's. You will find the templates registered in the same place in structure and content. The iScript for a template is the same as any other iScript in that it is record.field PeopleCode. I suggest you review some of the delivered iScript templates in structure and content. PeopleTools 8.50 uses iScript templates almost exclusively.

For the links in the header, you will notice that all templates ultimately return HTML with some custom PeopleSoft markup. All you have to do is include that custom markup to put the header in the top of pages that use your template. The signout link is part of the header, so the links will appear where ever you put the header.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

We are trying to put a Transparent Image on the Target content reference frame. Can u tell me is it possible to do so?


Jim Marion said...

@vijaya, yes, absolutely it is possible to put a transparent image in the target content. PeopleTools uses several transparent images.

Mysha(Hazel) said...

Hi Jim, I have created a HTML template and gave Iscript address in the HTML definition in template. in I script I am building the HTML for header logo and signout link etc. This template is coming fine on the page but Transfer or redirect URL is not at all workign. In fact nothing happens when I click the pushbutton which has redirect URl/transfer(tried both ways) it tries something but jumps back to original page's search page and not the target component. anhy work arounf, is it impossible to achieve this with html templates, Do I need a frame template like default peoppetools template?

Jim Marion said...

@Pressure, I think it is possible. I havne't tried to do what you are doing. I suggest you use Fiddler to look at the response coming back from PeopleSoft to see what happens when your button is pressed. If the response coming back is Javascript (8.50 Ajax or 8.4x load script), then see what that JavaScript is supposed to do.

Mysha(Hazel) said...

thanks for your response. We were trying to use a different header logo and no link for some of the pages. for that I created a template which is a HTML template which calls is like that > when I open page its coming as I want it to come (Assigned the target template on the page to point to this template'MY_TEMPLATE')

this component has a button which is suppoed to tranfer to another component but when i press it does not do anything. Read somewhere that HTML/non frame templates create problem in transfer, attachment functionality etc.

tried making it a frame template and calling Same Iscript but no change.

<html dir='%Direction' lang="%LanguageISO">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<Pagelet Name="UniversalNavigation">
<SOURCE Node="LOCAL_NODE" href="s/WEBLIB_UOG.UOG_OAS_PORTAL_HDR.FieldFormula.IScript_UOG_OAS_Header" />
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<Target Name="TargetContent"/>

We finally got little succes by creating URL manually and keeping a global variable for highest key and run search init for skipping search page on target component. this seems to be working but didnt understand by transfer or generateportal url or content URL didnt work at all.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
Under general settings the default template for each node is set up.In which table is this information stored?

JHANGUS said...

Hello Jim,
I have a quick question regarding templates for PeopleSOFT 9.1. I am new to the PeopleSoft Suite of Tools, so please forgive my ignorance.
So, my question is, "How hard is it to get a copy of the templates for each page?" The reason I ask is we are trying to Test/scrub Accessibility (508 compliance) Tab & Tag Issues and believe we can expedite the scrubbing process of "real" Tabs & Tags failures by fixing the templates. example: One template could fix multiple pages. Thanks, JHANGUS

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

How do you change the font size of the Universal Navigation Header?



Jim Marion said...

@Mark, There are as many answers to that as the day is long... The recommended way is to find the stylesheet used to define the item you want to change, and change it there. The easiest way, however, is to open the HTML definition, PORTAL_UNI_HEADER, or something like that, and add the following right before the end of the head section:

<style type="text/css">
css selector {
font-size: 24pt !important;

Where css selector is the CSS selector required to identify the item you want to change. The !important identifier ensures that later imported CSS that is perhaps more specific won't override your CSS declaration.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jim, but I'm curious, how do you find the Style Sheet. Also, what would it take to also change the color of the Universal Navigation Header?

Thanks again for your suggestions!

Jim Marion said...

@Mark, you can find the style class for the item you want to modify by using an inspector tool like firebug in firefox or the inspector in Chrome/Safari. You can find the base stylesheet by looking in PeopleTools > Utilities > PeopleTools Options.

Abhishek said...

Jim... I realized that the HTML I am using is not complete its cutting from bottom and we have default footer for the tab thats correct... Can you please suggest where to look for this?


Abhishek said...

Sorry Jim, Posted in wrong post.. I figured the issue and fixed it.

Hari_anindian said...

Hi Jim,

Our portal has the header and left hand side menu navigations and CREF will be loaded in the centre like below
Naviagtions| CREF Area
I am trying to show a pop up page and then need to grey out the background page as well as it should be transparent. When I tried to do the grey out it just fades the CREF area alone not the entire page. How could we do this?

Jim Marion said...

@Hari, what you are seeing is expected if you are executing your JavaScript from the content page and are referring to the content page's content. You need to refer to the container. Here is an example jQuery selector for PT 8.50 and higher (which use iframes instead of framesets): $("body", parent.document).css("opacity", .2); The frameset might work similarly, but haven't tried it.

Rob said...

Hi Jim,
I need to hide the sign out link from universal navigation how do I achieve it.

Jim Marion said...

@Rob, from Enterprise (Applications) Portal, use the role based branding header "bars" section to remove the signout link.

Changing the PIA portal will require modifying one of the PORTAL_HP% HTML definitions (don't know off the top of my head).

VirtualMadman said...

Hi Jim,

We are trying to create a custom template for a public facing component. In this template we provide some links to external sites (Campus Home, HR Home, etc). Our template code shows a href="", however when rendering the page, it seems like the Portal is trying to wrap every external url with something like

do you know if this is a setting that can be turned off, or bypassed? Our DEV environment is pretty locked down and those sites fail to load since it seems like the portal is the one initiating the connection.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.


Jim Marion said...

@VirtualMadman, that is pretty standard. What you are seeing is the way PeopleSoft treats external URL's. I don't recall seeing this with URL's that were hard coded in the portal header, but only with ones where I created CREF's. You should also be able to get around this by changing the header HTML template.

I think PeopleSoft behaves this way so it can use whatever template and attributes you specify in your CREF definition.

As far as looking "like the portal is the one initiating the connection..." Depending on your template setting in the external URL CREF, PeopleSoft will either connect and proxy the content into the page (no frames template) or will load the content directly in the iframe/frameset (depending on tools release) and your browser will initiate the connection, not the PeopleSoft server.

VirtualMadman said...

Hi Jim.
Thanks for the reply.

This URL is actually hard-coded in the header of a custom HTML template we created for this purpose. This is what I don't understand. It's a plain href to an external URL, however, when this template is rendered and we click on the link the portal still tries to wrap it as I mentioned in the post above.

I have even created a hidden CREF pointing to the same URL and setting it to "no template" but that didn't work.

(btw I tried to paste a snippet of my code here but it didn't accept HTML. Sorry about that)

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

We have an issues with template in our production env, for HRMS node we have default template in the General setting as "No NAV HTML Template with TAB"

For our new content reference we are giving Portal Default Template at content reference level but when user click on that link is throwing them out.. with session expired page...

Any suggest would be highly appricaited as this is happening in production.


Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, did you clear your app and web server cache after changing the templates? If so, and you still see this problem, then turn up your app server logging. I suspect you will see some type of error when accessing the tab, such as the user not having permission for something critical.

Abhishek said...

Jim, We have not cleared the cache yet but if we change the template to "No NAV HTML Template with TAB"
"template it works but the problem is the HTML and Markup in our page doesnt work with this template. So as soon as we change the template we are going to HR but page not working, We need the Default template for this specific content reference.

Is there any place I should look at?

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, the default template (as delivered) uses iframes or framesets (depending on your tools release) for content. This completely separates the content from the header, etc, and should involve the least interaction between the template and your content. Therefore, generally speaking, if any template will work, it is the delivered default template.

I'm afraid I don't have a suggestion for you on this one. If you are getting the session expired page, then the problem would likely be with your CREF configuration or the PeopleCode used to generate the content, not with the HTML or JavaScript. I say this because something is causing an error and crashing your app server session.

Abhishek said...

Jim, We figured that it is a proxy sever issue, when we by passed the proxy it take us to HR component.

By any chance,Changing the template would change the URL or append anything on the URL??

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, yes, absolutely that changes the URL. If you use a no frames template, then your portal will proxy the content provider (HR) content into the page and will use your portal's URL. If you go with the delivered frames/iframe template, then the content will come directly from the content provider (HR), which may even be a different server. It all depends on your configuration, load balancers, reverse proxies, etc.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim, Thats expplains why it was not working, We have issue with reverse proxy. Is there a way we can find out the change in URL and add it to proxy sever... or any document you can suggest me for this.

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, the URL for your content provider is sent by your browser. There are a couple of ways to determine the URL:

1. Right-click in the content area and select view properties (or view frame properties, depending on the browser version).

2. Use fiddler or some other program to trap the HTTP request/response so you can see the URL's.

Prabhu said...

Hi Jim,
I would need to change the Pagebar label. When the Help pagebar is turned on in the Component property it appears as 'Help' in the right top. I would like to Change it to 'Help Yourself'. I checked the web profile but it has no information relating to that.

Any ideas. Thanks in Advance.

Jim Marion said...

@Prabhu, I have never tried to change that label, so I'm not sure where to send you. The text in the page bar has to be translated. I know of two places where PeopleSoft stores translated text: Message Catalog and HTML definitions. Generally speaking, they try to only use multi-lingual HTML definitions for structural changes, not text translations, so that pretty much points to the message catalog. I'm not sure which message catalog set or entry though.

Kevin Weaver said...

Hi Jim,

I am trying to do something interesting and your the only person I thought of who might know if this is possible. But we have OBIEE 11G and PeopleSoft Portal. Our management would like to serve up the OBIEE dashboards in our portal underneath a Homepage tab. I created a new home page tab called OBIEE and defined it as a CREF. But that only generates a hard error and boots the user out of the session when it cannot find the Tab=OBIEE. I was able to get the OBIEE content to show in underneath a PeopleSoft 9.1 tools 8.51 homepage?

On another note, I built a wickedly cool dashboard using iScrips and made it drillable, I used your book to show the drillable content in a JQuery thickbox and our users loved it.


Kevin Weaver

Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, I'm glad your users love the Thickboxed components and I'm also very pleased that you found my book so useful and that it is providing so much satisfaction for your users.

About the OBIEE tab... If I understand correctly, you went into Portal Structure and content and created a tab in Portal Objects > Homepage > Tabs. I do this all the time. After you create the tab definition and assign permissions, The tab should show up in the header area of your application. If not, then I suspect cache. With no pagelets, you should not get an error. If you get an error once you start adding pagelets, isolate the pagelet causing the error. If it is a Pagelet Wizard pagelet, then maybe you are missing a permission list for Pagelet Wizard or some Pagelet Wizard meta-data?

For your OBIEE content, are you using the new 8.51 OBIEE Pagelet Wizard data type, iframe HTML pagelets, or are you trying to show the entire OBIEE dashboard? One way to show an OBIEE dashboard is to create a regular CREF that points to the OBIEE URL. Another way is to create a Homepage HTML Layout override that uses an iframe for OBIEE content. For this approach, see the Portal branding guide white paper on Global support.

Kevin Weaver said...

Thanks Jim. The Homepage HTML Layout override did the trick.

Kevin Weaver said...

One more question for you, since I am overriding the number of columns on the homepage, it is no longer logical to allow the user to personalize the content of this homepage. Is it possible to remove the personalize content and layout for one homepage, but not all homepages? Does this make sense?

Seriously, Thanks again!

Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, yes, making the homepage fixed and removing the links makes sense. There are a couple of steps I would take to do this. First, in your tab content, only allow pagelets that are required fix. Then changes are not possible. Next, you will want to remove the links. There are two ways to do this: 1. comment the bind for the personalize links within the HTML definition (probably require an override, but not sure if it is possible because I think this is part of the header). 2. would be to specify a class or an ID on a higher level element within your HTML layout override, and then create a CSS selector to hide the personalization items (this is actually how I do it ;)).

Hiding, of course, doesn't eliminate the personalization functionality. It takes care of 90% of your users, but the content is still there for curious people with Firebug (like me). That is why it is important that you first remove the ability to do anything from the tab CREF.

I thought it was also possible to use security to say who can personalize tabs, but I think that is global, not per tab. I also don't know which role/permission list gives you access to personalization links.

Kevin Weaver said...

One more question. Have you ever heard of anyone serving up Hyperion-EPM version in a PeopleSoft Portal? I tried the using the iframe in the homepage, but I get an error from EPM that states the Workspace cannot function within an iframe. Any thoughts?

Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, that is a good question. No, I'm not familiar with Hyperion usage. That doesn't mean anything about actual usage, just that it isn't something that I've noticed.

Abhishek said...

Jim... Any idea? Where does peoplesoft stores the HTML used in Pagelet?

Kevin Weaver said...

Too bad, if you knew the answer to that one I would have purchased another copy of your book.

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, yes, I do know where Pagelet Wizard stores HTML, but I'm going to do better than tell you where. I'm going to tell you how to figure it out (give a man a fish... teach a man to fish...). Pagelet Wizard is fully configurable. To determine where each data type stores its data, go to PeopleTools > Portal > Pagelet Wizard > Define Data Types. In there you will find an app class for the data type. Open that app class and look for record definition names.

Brett B said...

If you load the psc version of the page, is it cutting out all template and portal settings entirely?

Jim Marion said...

@Brett, yes, that is correct. /psc/ is just pure transaction content. No portal header or any template information.

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

We have TABs at the top(horizantally).. Can we have TAB vertically like we have manu...

Can you please suggest..


Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, yes, absolutely. Using CSS you can lay them out just about any way you prefer. I don't like that portal tabs are defined as table cells. It makes them harder to style. What I did was create my own app class for generating tabs, and then set that in my portal branding header as an HTML Area element for one of the custom binds. The PeopleCode just uses the portal registry API to determine the available tabs.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim.. For now I could modify the TAB and now its vertical.. But the contents are moving down now.. I need the header to come like Left Menu and have fixed width and after that width the content should start... Can you plz point where should I check that?

Thank you very much for you help Jim...

Abhishek said...

I think I may need to modify header HTML...

Abhishek said...

Jim.. The other way I was thinking to have the TABs in vertical.. REmoved the bind5 from header which displays the TABs and add a new bind in the PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT and PORTAL_HP_2COL_LAYOUT and pass the TAB in this HTML... I am not sure which is the best way of doing it...

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, are you using Enterprise/Applications Portal or PIA portal? Enterprise/Applications portal has role based branding and allows you to specify the HTML definition used in the header. In that HTML definition, you would specify one of the custom bind variables and then use the header meta-data component to specify the app class that will populate this bind variable. You would then write PeopleCode to iterate over the tabs to produce the HTML you desire. A common HTML structure would be to wrap the tabs in ul, li, a so you could apply various CSS to these tabs to format them horizontally or vertically, as a menu or as tabs, etc. This type of structure has an outer and inner element and is extremely flexible. On a homepage, the header and pagelet content are all in the same document. This means you can use CSS to move the #ptpglts table to the right or left by adding a margin on either side. Then you can use CSS to place the tabs on the right or left of #ptpglts.

I would not move the tabs into the 2col or 3col layout. If you did, you would have to use a different header for transactions so that they show tabs.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim the details.. I am still confused.. Yes I am using Enterprise/Applications Portal and it has role based theme assignment.. So when I went to assign theme I see different roles have different theme assigned.. One of the theme I am trying to modify.. I checked the Theme details and it has Homepage Header, Target Page Header, Homepage Footer, Style Sheet Name and Menu Navigation..

Now in the Home page header there is a HTML and differnet bind variable in which bind varaible 6 populates the Header HTML.. In the horizontal format.. This TAB HTML is generated but peoplecode... So I changed the peoplecode to generate the TAB HTML in Vertical format.. so now the header is fine... and its upside down "L" letter...

The problem is.. The content in the TAB is starting after the hearder is over..
Where as I want it to start parallel to the veritical TABs..

I was searching how PPL write the content and header.. From Crome I coud fine that whole page is just one table with 3 rows.. Header, content and footer.. means 3 tr tags in the table...

I could not find where to check or modify so that I get the content starts just parallel to my vertical TABs. Just same as left Menu we have in peoplesoft..

Please suggest..

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, it will take you some trial and error to get the HTML and CSS correct. It sounds like you are making great progress in the HTML part. Yes, there are three rows. But, really, that is irrelevant. By wrapping the tab bind in a div, and then absolutely positioning that div (with CSS), you can put the tabs anywhere. You can also add margins, padding, etc to various elements to make room for the tabs.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Again Jim.. by using CSS and DIV I got it work in Crome and Firefox but in IE Its still not working.. I tried to debug IE and there is Span span dir="ltr" coming on the table which is actually cause the problem I think.. I was trying to find out from where its coming but no success so far..

Any thoughts?

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, well done. Yes, I am familiar with that span. I find it annoying because span is an inline element, and it nearly always contains block elements. I don't know where it comes from. I suspect it is the app server code. I have not had an issue with the span though. I use IE Developer Toolbar to inspect, and then modify the CSS so that it works correctly in IE. Chrome and Firefox are definitely easier to work with than IE.

Abhishek said...

I am not sure how to fix this span issue.. I was trying some debugging but nothing so far.. In crome and firefox the same HTML is working fine.. the Span area is over written by the Content but in IE its not happening... the content moved up but Top part is not visible becuase of the span tag... this span is covering from left to right end to end.. which needs to be changed to cover only the width of the tab...

Abhishek said...

My initial thought was, since all the HTML is generated by code, this span tag must also be generated by code somewhere.. I looked at the PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE HTML in which there is code

The above code generates the Header and when I called this in browser.. I didnt see that span tag.. so the span tag is not generated by code its being appended by system somehow..

Is there any way we can override span tag? Otherwise I dont see how I can do it.

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, I believe the span is added by the app server code, not by anything you can override.

Yes, you can still position your content differently regardless of the container span. There are plenty of tricks: float:left, position: abosolute, display: block, etc. I do this sort of thing every day. Unfortunately, I can't give you specific guidance as to what CSS to use for IE because I haven't moved my tabs to the right or left, but I have moved my tabs everywhere else, including to the bottom of the page.

When building solutions, I spend substantially more time trying to get features to work in IE than I do in other browsers. Persevere. It is absolutely possible.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim.. I will try it out..If possible would you please share the css you used for TAB at bottom.. That might give me an idea about left positioning...

Thank you again for helping in this..

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim.. Now I know where to change.. I need to generate the TAB thru code and assign it to the HTML.. I was changing in wrong place.. when you said you had the TAB at bottom then I realized, It not possible to have tab at bottom from the HTML I was changing....

Thanks again for you help...

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

If you remember I asked you how to change the TAB locations on Portal... I could generate the TAB thru Peoplecode.. and modified the HTML PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE to point to the Code
SOURCE Node="LOCAL_NODE" href="s/WEBLIB_GEX_TABS.ISCRIPT1.FieldFormula.Iscript_Gex_Tabs"

When I am click on the link which is from HR the TAB disappears.. then I made changes to one of the template "Header, target only template" used this template in HR node setting... which now shows me the TAB When I click on the HR link on Portal..

But I am not sure if we need to make changes in 2 place and whatever I have done is correct.

Can you please suggest.

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, it is true. There are separate header definitions for homepages and transaction pages. You will need to update transaction pages if you want to see tabs, because the default transaction page template does not include tabs.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim. I made the modification on Tools 8.48 and its work but When I am trying the same in Tools 8.51.. It is nto working... Is there any change in the tools.. I checked in 8.51 there is different set of code... and they have introduced new template....

Just to confirm.. Whatever I am doing to change the header is the right approch? Please suggest.

Jim Marion said...

@Abishek, tools made a lot of changes to the templates in 8.50 to support Related Content. The biggest change is that most of them are IScript based now instead of HTML in a CREF. They still use HTML, but the HTML is stored in app designer HTML definitions.

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

Thanks for all your help so far.. Now I am looking to modfiy the template which is used in transaction, When I click on anylink the left custom TAB list is disappearing... I am trying to find by trace but if you can direct me to where should I be looking.


Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek each CREF uses a template. If no template is specified in the CREF definition, then it is using your system's default template. The default template is just like any other CREF template and is registered in the portal registry under Portal Objects > Templates. You can find the default template for your system by navigating to PeopleTools > Portal > General Settings. It is the first drop-down in the list.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim...

Abhay said...

Hi Jim

We are using the default Template in our Peoplesoft install are on CRM 8.8 and Tools 8.49. We have a multi-language instance. When we login as a Portugese user, the top header section where Home, Workist... Sign out links are displayed - that section is showing extra blue headers above the links.
This does not happen when signing in as an English or France or Chinese user.

Have been trying searching for this -- but have not been able to figure this out.
Any pointes would be greatly appreciated


Jim Marion said...

@Abhay, to be safe, first thing I recommend is putting in a global support ticket. Now, with that said, here is how I fix it. The header is defined by an HTML definition in app designer. When I run into this type of thing I run the following SQL:


These tables contain HTML definition language translations. I've seen instances where the base language is replicated for each installed language, and then a tools update changes the base language, but does nothing to the translations (which probably didn't really exist anyway).

This SQL will delete all legitimate translations, so I'm not sure running it is really that good of an idea, but I've never had an issue with it and I've never seen a translated HTML definition. They may exist, I've just never seen one, so I usually run this SQL after applying patches.

It is better to put in a support ticket, but if you are desperate, this is what I do.

Abhay said...


Thanks! We have raised a ticket with GSC already and it has been 2 weeks, but we have not got a single helpful response from them.
Will try this and see if it works - but I am thinking maybe we will only delete the POR(Portugese) language rows from these tables, since that is the only language that has the issue.

Question - if we delete this, then will the table get re-populated once a user signs back in with the Portugese language?

Thanks much!

Jim Marion said...

@Abhay, Yes, you can delete one language. I have no idea how those values get in there. No, they don't get repopulated on log in. As far as I can tell, it is something that happens during upgrade or bundles. I've only seen it after applying maintenance.

After delete, be sure to clear your app and web server cache and restart both. You want it completely clean before testing the resolution.

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

In our portal we have setup margin 10% in both left and right side of the page.. which is fine when you are on portal as soon as you clcik the HR content reference the right margin is not application.. I looking at the HTML and since the target content is frm HR seems its over riding the layout.. Its using Iframe I tried to ristrict the length of the iframe but its still not working... Do we need to amek changes on HR Side too?

Can you please provide your suggestions on this...


Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, I recently added margins to the left side of a theme in order to show a background curve image on the left side of the page. I set the margin for #ptifrmcontent to 0 0 0 10px. I set the background image on .PSPAGE, but the margin on #ptifrmcontent. This appropriately sized the iframe regardless of the content provider.

Abhishek said...

Thank Jim, I did the same I changed the PSPAGE to have a background and then #ptifrmcontent, But when I give left margin its moving the Content pagebut right margin is not working.. Basically, we need to ristrict the width of the page so that left and right side of the page shows the background image of the page.. I tried to ristrict it by giving width on #ptifrmcontent, #ptifrmtarget and #ptifrmtgtframe but it didnt work...I was trying to debugg and in the PT_HNAV_TEMPLATE the style is coming on this tag
iframe id="ptifrmtgtframe" name="TargetContent" title="%bind(:6)" frameborder="0"

that style has both the width and height of the page.

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, I believe the page uses JavaScript to set the width of the iframe. Changing the right-side margin will likely require some JavaScript as well as CSS.

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim.. I modified the Java Script in the HTML PT_HNAV_TEMPLATE_JS..
And it worked...

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim... Is there a way we can use Poplesoft delivered Modal window jave script to open our custom page as Modal.. I mean by passing the url.. I was looking how Peoplesoft open modal window and there is java script.. but when java script loadson the page it has extension like "_wino_14" where as when I load the same java script it load as _empty_14, win0 loads when you have a button in the page wich opens modal window. This is the scrip which calls the modal script...
function hAction_%FormName(form, name, height, width, title, bShowInModal, bSizeOnLoad)
if (bShowInModal != undefined && bShowInModal) {
if (typeof bSizeOnLoad == 'undefined')
var options = [true, true, true, null, height, width, title, true, null];
var options = [true, true, true, null, height, width, title, true, null, true];
popupObj_%FormName.showModalHyperLink(form, name, postUrl, options);
else {
var options = [true, true, true, null, 0, 0, title, false, null];
popupObj_%FormName.showModalHyperLink(form, name, null, options);

Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, yes it is possible. I've used them myself, but ultimately switched back to jQuery UI. For jQuery UI, I had to set the zIndex option to 200 so that PeopleTools prompts, etc will display on top of jQuery dialogs.

The function you call is PeopleTools version independent. 8.50/51 use top.popupObj_empty.showModal and showModal. If you want to test them out, use a test something like this:

if(!!window.showModal) {
// pt 8.52
showModal(targetUrl, top, modalOptions, "")
} else {
//pt 8.50/51
top.popupObj_empty.showModal(targetUrl, modalOptions)

The PT dialogs are not documented and are only tested to work where PeopleSoft implemented them. I don't recommend using them at this time.

Abhishek said...

wooow... This works great... Thank you so much for your help.. This will help me a lot in our development... Thanks again...

Abhishek said...

Thanks Jim, The Web profile change did work.. I will open a case with Oracle to see if they have any suggestions.

Unknown said...

HI Jim,
Your blog(s) are very informative and rich in content.
Just wanted your guidance on following:
1. We want to remove 'Multi Channel Framwork' from top right hand corner first line.
2.We want to add a link in that place pointing to another location (url) within intranet.
The reason for doing so is,
1. We never use MCF link
2. We want the link to another location(url) to appear on all pages, irrespective of the fact on which page user is.

Can you pl guide me how to do this.

Jim Marion said...

@Ravi, if you are using the Enterprise/Apps Portal, then you can replace the link by adding a new effective dated row to the role based branding header definition.

Jim Marion said...

@Ravi, if you are not using PeopleSoft's Portal application, but are using one of the content provider apps (HCM, FSCM, Campus, CRM, etc) directly, then you can still change the Worklist link by using one of two approaches: #1 modify the delivered definition that creates the worklist link or #2 Create your own branding package, write it to use an alternate link, and register this package in the PeopleTools Options meta-data.

Option 2 will not impact upgrades, but option 1 will likely be easier. How you apply option 1 will depend on your tools release. In PT 8.52, the object you will want to modify is App Class PT_BRANDING:IframeHeader method SetWL

Sufian Shaikh said...

Hi Jim,

Thanks for this wonderful journal. Its really helpful. I have a question for you today, and I believe you the one who can answer.

We have a third party vendor, and we need to embed a peopleSoft page into their website. I did it using , it does opens up the page, while clicking anything on that page, like buttons, links, radio buttons,.. etc, the page throws an error like [Object Error]. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

Please, suggest.

- SS.

Jim Marion said...

@Sufian, did you use the /psc/ URL? I'm suspsecting it has something to do with JavaScript attempting to access functions from the parent window and invalid xss checks. I found this to be the case in my 8.51 servers with Firefox. I rewrote one of the functions called by checkAnyFrameChanged to make it use the correct cross domain test.

Hari said...

Hi Jim, We have a portal which is integrated with HRMS, CRM, Finance and GP. Our header will have tabs for each database. If user clicks on the Human resource tab then in it will load the contents. URL redirections will be like below
Portal --> https://:/

After clicking on HRMS component it will load the CRef with core HR URL and then Portal nodeuri text will be replaced in the core HR URL so that the CRef displayed in portal target area with portal header footers.

This nodeuritext replacement will happen at branding. Our logic is like get the portal content provider. Get the node uri text based on content provider. Get the portal uri text. Atlast replace the content provider uritext with portal uritext in the portal actual url.(hope you will understand this).

Now the problem is user is hitting the direct component URL. We added one more customization to show the portal with the user language like Chinese. For this we are calling another app package from branding in which I am unable to get the portal content provider and hence unable to build the portal URL.

So as of now by default user will be redirected to home page with the Chinese language. For this we have coded setlaungage and in an html we are passing the homepage URL like below;

This works fine but takes time to load the page in Chinese. So I need your help to understand how to make this performance better? Is it possible for us to generate the portal URL for the HR CREF outside of EPPBR_branding?

Jim Marion said...

@Hari, yes, you can generate a URL from anywhere in PeopleCode. For navigating to components, etc from content providers, but keeping the portal branding, etc, you just use GenerateComponentPortalURL. But it sounds like you have a requirement to leave the portal and actually show the content provider application with its branding. If that is the case, then you will have to generate the URL yourself by querying the PSNODEURITEXT table with the node name of your content provider (for example, HRMS, ERP, etc).

From a homepage, you can use %Response.RedirectURL. From a component or anything else that has frames, if you are attempting a redirect from PeopleCode, you have to use the JavaScript top.location approach you are using. This is not unique to PeopleSoft. It is the way the internet works. The alternative is to use links with target="_top". This would require you to generate the URL in RowInit or somewhere else and then use an HTML Area to populate the link. This may not always be appropriate. But when it is, it avoids the redirect.

Hari said...

But the problem here is, I am not getting the content provider value properly. Sometimes it return blank. So we will not be able to replace the core hr uritext with portal uritext.

the top.location javascript works fine but its taking some time to load the page with respective language. So is there any other better way to improve this? (I am curious to know why this java script takes time. it’s a very simple JS and then doing %response.write(html)

Hari said...

Jim, One more doubt... Recently we have integrated the PeopleSoft portal with OAM. Design is like in PeopleSoft portal signon.html will have the portal home page URL. When user clicks on Portal icon it will try to redirect the user to Portal home page which will be intercepted by OAM and then it will challenge the user login screen. On successful authentication user will be landing on the home screen.

Like this sign out will redirect the user to OAM screen using signout.html redirection code.

It will be like 2/3 redirections while signing in and signing out. Some times while sign in or sign out users are getting multiple browser windows. Not sure how it’s happening. On Sign in if we get multiple windows means one window will be in home page and others will show OAM challenge screen. On sign out multiple windows means one window will be still in PeopleSoft home page others will be in OAM challenge screen. If we click any link on the home page it will sign out.

How should I handle this issue? Is it probably due to multiple redirections?

Jim Marion said...

@Hari, it isn't the JavaScript that is taking time. It is the server side processing and the fact that you have to make an extra HTTP request. You can see this using Fiddler or Firebug.

Jim Marion said...

@Hari, servers can't open browser windows directly. It either requires human interaction or JavaScript (client side). A server can ask a client to open a new window (JavaScript), but it won't happen by itself.

If I heard you correctly, the user starts with one browser window open, tries to log into PeopleSoft and now has two windows open, and one is signed in, but the other is not. It sounds like the one that is not is clobbering the PeopleSoft token cookie.

I have no idea why this is happening.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim, We just upgraded from Portal Tool 8.49 to 8.52. One of our custom page is shifting towards left even when we use drop-down navigation. Any suggestion?

Jim Marion said...

@Dheeraj Agarwal, I would look at the page in Firebug to figure out what is going wrong. I suspect it is CSS related. 8.50+ uses iframes for content, 8.49- uses framesets. Either way, the page is isolated from the container's CSS, so they should behave the same. The only exceptions are the no frames templates like the Homepage Designer Template.

geo said...

Hi Jim,

We are on PT8.52/HCM9.1 FP2 and we are trying to hide the languages frame on the sig-on page. Can you please tell me what is the BEST way to do this?

Thanks in advance,


Jim Marion said...

@geo, I don't have a signon template in front of me, but the best way is to look for the HTML in the signon template for languages. Several of the languages display as an image link, so look for those and just delete them.

pnd said...

Hi Jim,

we are using an iscript to intergrate with a 3rd party vendor by exposing a link on portal. It works fine when we set it up a NON PeopleSoft URL, no template and leave the node blank and we can access it with the VPN but not directly from the internet without any VPN access. We are 8.50.18 and 9.10 hrms and campus solution, enterprise portal.

When we set it up as an iscript instead of a non peoplesoft URL and set the node as an hrms_external node and select the no template check box the link is working with VPN and also directly from the interne without VPN. BUT it is putting the default portal template with the header and then showing the vendor site beneath the header. we think that when you check the no template check box it is using the default template for the portal which show on all pages which has a header in it.

What template should we use to show the vendor site directly in a new page without the header.

Please advice,

Jim Marion said...

@pnd, I think it is a bit more complicated than that. Choosing no template, is correct, as long as you are opening the link in a new window. If you don't specify any target information, then it will open in the same frame (TargetContent) and have the same header, etc.

Now, about VPN versus non VPN, that is really interesting. I'm suspecting that when you use a non PeopleSoft URL, you are hard coding a different server name than what would be generated dynamically by PeopleSoft.

Abhishek said...

Hi Jim,

Is there a way we can upload file on Peoplesoft Portal from External Source using API or Webservice.. Can you please guide me where to look for it....


Jim Marion said...

@Abhishek, yes, absolutely. Use the File Attachment API to import files.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

We just upgraded from 8.9 to 9.1 and I made changes for branding logo. The logo works ok on home page, but when i go to other navigations like process monitor the logo gets overridden by the curve frame provided by PeopleSoft displaying half the logo.


Jim Marion said...

@Sunny, I assume you are not referring to role based branding in portal, but to some other application like HCM or FSCM? Since you moved to apps 9.1 then you are likely using the drop-down/hover menu with breadcrumbs and the new iframe template instead of the old frameset based templates. If the answer to all of these is true, then I think the HTML area you need to change is PT_IFRAME_HDR_SWAN.

Hari said...

Not sure whether my previous comment is saved. Please ignore if this is duplicate.

Hi Jim, Need your help!!!!!

I am facing an issue where in the pagelets content/left nav content is not loading into the page frames.

We have upgraded from the tools 8.49.23 to 8.52.09. After that when I am checking the pagelets/left nav and its not displaying the content. But it displayes all my pagelets/left nav as boxes. All pagelets are not in minimized mode.

I have checked the code which loads the pagelet. Its component based pagelet. we are passing the URL to IScript HTML which is using iFrame as given below.

iframe src="%Bind(:1)" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" width=%Bind(:2) height=%Bind(:3) style=""> iframe

%bind(:1) is the component url. I have tested this URL independently and is showing the content. Not sure why is this not rendered inside the iframe pagelet?

I am able to see the pagelet/leftnav content using personalize preview pagelet option as well. Please help me to understand what should I do to get rid off this issue

Jim Marion said...

@Hari 8.5x uses Ajax to load pagelets. Those pagelets require an attribute. The portal_hp_user_template HTML definition has an example of the pagelets element with the Load="A" attribute. If that doesn't solve the problem, then you might need to create a support case.

Hari said...

Thanks Jim.. Its solved my problem. I have passed proper attributes to pagelets and is working fine now.

Jim Marion said...

@Hari, that is great! I am glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue. I ran into the same problem with custom templates when I performed my upgrade.

mobileMan said...

We are experiencing a confusing situation in attempting to access content in Campus Solutions (CS) using the “psc” servlet from our PS Interaction Hub—formerly known as the Portal.
In particular, we want to access the results of the iScript WEBLIB_MOBI_ENT.YY_MOBI_ISCRIPTS.FieldFormula.iScript_Elect_Info in CS using a link on a custom HTML page in the Portal and not have the results wrapped in the Portal header & menu. We can access the iScript successfully using https:///psp/SCMOBILE/SCMOBILE/SA/s/WEBLIB_MOBI_ENT.YY_MOBI_ISCRIPTS.FieldFormula.iScript_Elect_Info as the href in the link. However, this, of course, “wraps” the content of the iScript in the Portal header and menu and puts the output in the target frame. Yet when we substitute “psc” for “psp” in the URL we get the message: “Authorization Error -- Contact your Security Administrator.” I would emphasize that the two URLs are identical except for the servlet name.
Can anyone tell me if there is something about the psc servlet that prevents it from being used in the manner set forth above?

Jim Marion said...

@mobileMan, Changing the psp to psc will work, but only if the psp and psc are the same database. For example, when using portal, the psp URL will point to portal (user interaction hub), but the psc will point to the content provider (campus solutions). You can still use the psc URL. You just have to change the server, site, and node information.

As an alternative, right click within the iScript in your browser (not the header), and view the properties for the frame, not the document/header (depends on tools release). This will give you the /psc/ URL for the actual iScript. This will give you the pattern going forward.

Hari said...

Hi Jim,

I was reading the your below response for Abhishek.
if(!!window.showModal) {
// pt 8.52
showModal(targetUrl, top, modalOptions, "")
} else {
//pt 8.50/51
top.popupObj_empty.showModal(targetUrl, modalOptions)

The PT dialogs are not documented and are only tested to work where PeopleSoft implemented them. I don't recommend using them at this time.

I was also trying to show a page in modal window. But not sure how to invoke the above script? How to call the Java script functions (which is present in the HTML objection) from push button FC?


Jim Marion said...

@Hari, unfortunately, the PeopleTools JavaScript dialog methods are not documented anywhere. I learned how to use them by looking through delivered code that uses them. For full control of a documented dialog framework, I recommend jQuery UI dialogs. If you prefer to use PeopleTools dialogs, however, you can follow my example below. We'll have to see how this code changes with 8.53.

Hari said...

Hi Jim,

I am unable to find the example. It would be helpful if you can guide us on how to use the PeopleSoft dialogs JS script or How to achieve this modal window behavior through JQuery?

Could you please share any document/example for the use of JQueries?


flyboy said...

Hi Jim,
I've been looking at the design from the heug with the blue drop downs on the left and the rotating news on the right. I was following the Branding Red Paper on getting the header and the left nav drop downs to work. I'm some what successful but would like to see if you have any of the code to help further?


Jim Marion said...

@flyboy, are you referring to this Accordion Navigation and this Slideshow News Publications?

Unknown said...

Hi Jim, I have a question.

We use custom header in branding. We have our company logo shows in header. We recently added hyperlink on this logo using:
Branding - > Define Header -> Images -> Target image.
Now, when user login in portal, they see company logo get highlighted. It is gone when they click somewhere else but it is annoying to see it focused. Is there any suggestion from you ?

Jim Marion said...

Dheeraj, that is a good question. Some people recommend adding tabindex="-1" to the hyperlink HTML.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim, I have a question.

We have a hyperlink inside the portal pagelet. When I take mouse over the hyperlink, it shows, at the bottom, the link with javascript. Could you please tell me which code shows the hyperlink ?

Jim Marion said...

@Dheeraj, When you move your mouse over the link, do you see a standard http(s) URL in the status bar or do you see a "javascript:" URL? Are you asking which code shows the link in the status bar or how to see the actual target of a "javascript:" URL? If you are asking about the status bar, that is just standard web browser behavior. In regards to the javascript protocol URL's, the most common use of those on PeopleSoft pages is to prompt you for a save warning. The URL is actually part of the href, so if you use Firebug or your web browser's inspect tool, you can find the full URL.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jim.

Ferdie said...

Hi Jim,

I'd like to ask how can I save user details (ex. Userid, date and time of logout) when user clicks the Sign out link through peoplecode. Is this possible? sorry I am a newbie. thank you!

Jim Marion said...

@Ferdie, Unlike signin, there isn't a good way to capture signout. About the best way we've come up with for signout is to add JavaScript to the portal signout template in the web server. It isn't good because it is possible to hit that URL without ever logging in, but for some, it is better than nothing.

Jim Marion said...

@Ferdie, by the way, the signout template is called after logout happens and after the session is destroyed, so you won't know the logged in user and you won't have a PeopleSoft session. You can grab the SignOnDefault cookie value if it is enabled in your web profile, but it isn't really that great of a solution.

Sufian Shaikh said...

Hi Jim,

Recently we upgraded out PeopleTools from release 8.52 to 8.50. It looks like the "Modal Secondary Page" feature has been removed from the 8.52 tools. Is it really removed or moved to some other place. Some of our custom pages are not working the way it was working in PT 8.50. Is there any way we can still make it work in PT 8.52? Please, help.

- Sufian.

Jim Marion said...

@Sufian, you may want to ask this question on the PeopleSoft General Discussion OTN Forum

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
Is it possible to dynamically change the template for a component via PeopleCode? Say for example we have a shell template with a default component. At certain times, we may want to launch another component(s) in it's place. However the other components have different templates specified in the Structure and Content, to that of the calling/initiating component.

Jim Marion said...

@Soniqbuoy, that is an interesting question. First, yes, you can change the Template dynamically. The template is a setting of the ContentReference object which is part of the Portal Registry API. You can read the PeopleBooks here. Based on your comment about the generic component that switches to another component, however, I don't think that is what you want. I think you want the "replace window" behavior of Workcenters or Navigation Collections. It sounds like your target CREF already has the right template, and you just need to get the browser to load the template to match your target cref. The easiest way to do this is to have a link with a target="_top" and a portal /psp/ URL to match your target CREF.

Sarits said...

Hi Jim,
I created a pagelet via pagelet wizard with data source as HTML; this pagelet bears an iframe. When I publish this onto the homepage - the iframe disappears. However, the iframe is visible in the 'preview' option of the wizard.

Am using version 8.48/ 9.0 portal.

An alternate I see is by creating a component/ and pushing the of the pagelet onto it - that would work... but I want tp avoid that.

Any options?


Jim Marion said...

@Sarits, yes you can use iframe, but there is a trick. You have to put &nbsp; between the iframe tags. See this post for more information: Page assembler strips empty elements

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
We have a requirement to hide the content reference link for specific employees based on department. We have to achieve this without using Permission lists and Roles in Content reference administration. Any options available?


Jim Marion said...

@Vinu, dynamic role rules were created just for this purpose. Using roles and permission lists is the only way to restrict access. You can modify the PeopleCode used to generate the menu in order to hide certain menu items, but users will still have access if they have a direct URL.

Unknown said...

Hello Jim,
Can you please help me that how can i enable delivered languages (i.e Arabic) for people soft camps solution that if i login then some delivered components appear in Arabic. Now if i login then no Arabic is shown just base language appears.

Jim Marion said...

@Ayesha, did you install multiple languages? Did you select a different languages at log in? Did you try setting your default language on you're user profile? If you did all of this, then I suggest you long a case with support or post on the OTN general discussion forum.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your inputs, Jim. I will try the dynamic role option for hiding the content reference.

Anuja said...

Hi Jim,

We have configured a separate web server for forgot password. We wanted to hide the navigation menu from the Forgot Password portal. We went to PeopleTools > Portal > Structure & Content, there in hidden tools for forgot my password we checked the box No Template. After doing that we purged the cache and bounced the servers. The forgot password did not work. The configuration file was lost. Somehow we managed to find the file and placed it in the original place. It was placed in some other folder. Now my question is how do we remove the navigation menu from forgot password site. Please suggest.


Jim Marion said...

@Anuja, try the "HOMEPAGE_DESIGNER_TEMPLATE" template. It does not have the drop-down/hover menu at the top.

Anuja said...

Hi Jim,

We tried again with no template and it worked this time. Have not yet understood how the folder was moved to a different location all-together when we did it for the first time. We simply tried to do the same the second time and it worked.

Thanks a lot for your time.

I have one more question and this is regarding the iscript.

We have a homepage designed and everytime the user logs in he should see his homepage first. However they get the homepage everytime they log in a new browser. But if at all the page expires or they sign out and log in with same browser session they don't get the homepage. Homepage is called through iscript and I don't have any idea about iscripts.

Can you help us on this too.


Jim Marion said...

@Anuja, out of the box, timeout, logout, etc, do not use iscripts. Is it your experience that timeout takes you to the previous transaction instead of the homepage? The expire, signout, and signin templates are HTML files in the psoftdocs directory of your PeopleSoft web server. You could update the action parameter of the login form to point to the DEFAULT homepage.

Anuja said...

Hi Jim,

I don't have much idea about it as this was been designed by earlier guys working on it. I am new to this concept.

However, the timeout does not take us to our previous transaction.

Also, when we log in for the first time it takes us to homepage:

when i log in the second time it takes me to:

Now here In these links i don't see any i script, where as in the code that I have seen i have found the iscript code written and being used.

As per your suggestion I have checked the action parameter in signin.html and this is how it is set:


RBI_HOME_MAIN.GBL is our home page component.

Do you think we need to set RBI_HOME_MAIN.GBL as deafult.
If yes how do we set it to the default.


Jim Marion said...

@Anuja, the first login is going to a component (/c/), not a homepage (/h/), but the second login is going to a homepage. What you see in the signin.html file is a customization that tells the signin to go to the component. When a user's session expires, the user logs in from the expires.html, not the signin.html file. Make the same change to the expires.html file.

Anuja said...

Hi Jim,

We checked the expire.html file and we made the changes too. However after restarting the services we are not able to go the homepage component. This time we also observed that when we log out from the HRMS and then login to it again that time also we dont get the home page component. It again takes us to

When we checked the web profile configuration in PIA at log out again we are passing signin.html

i.e. when we go to PeopleTools-->Web Profile Configuration--> Look and Feel tab--> LogOut Page: signin.html,signin.wml.

But after that too it takes us to:

Also in expire.html we have changed the form action from

form action="<%=servletLocEx%>?cmd=login&languageCd=<%=languageCd%>"



The way it was in signin.html and this did not seem to work.

Can you please let us know how do we check, from where this /h/?tab=DEFAULT is coming as we could not find any file have this parameter. This could happen at run time too. But in which file to check is the question as until now we have checked a couple of files related to signin and expire but we did not come across any run time parameters.


Jim Marion said...

@Anuja, that is all I know of.

Tim said...

Hi Jim,
First off, I love your blog and we always refer to it anytime we run into issues in psft.

Question on Homepage tabs. We want to display a Self Service page which is already available via left nav Cref under the homepage tab. Can you tell me if this is possible without doing much customization ? It looks like the options are 2 or 3 column layout and there is no workaround to diplay a full page under a tab without modifying the code.

Jim Marion said...


The easiest way is to use a tab CREF override. These are discussed in the portal 8.8 branding guide available on MyOracle Support. Basically, you clone a definition like PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE or PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT. In the tab CREF, you create an attribute that has a name matching the original definition (PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE) and set the value to your new HTML definition's name.

In your HTML definition, add a script tag containing top.location.href = "the url to your full page/component you want to display".

It is a bit of a hack, but requires no modifications to the code and is pretty easy to implement.

If you run into problems... like entering the JavaScript or HTML wrong, you may need to clear your web and app server cache before seeing your changes.

Kevin Weaver said...

Hey Jim,

I am building a workcenter page and it works beautifully. But when I moved my content references to portal the links on my pagelets, that were created by Pagelet Wizard returns a "You are Not Authorized to access this Component(40,20)". But when you I use firebug to change the psc to psp the links work. I noticed that mobileMan had a very similar issue and you responded that you can only use the psc from the current database. If this is correct, what would be the approach for utilizing pagelet wizard to build pagelets from HCM or FIN and utilize them within the portal?



Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, you have hit on something that I think is getting increasingly difficult to manage -- especially with unified nav.

The honest answer? I have my own custom Meta-HTML processor display format modeled after the APT_META app class in my PeopleTools Tips book. I added a sequence for %AbsoluteContentUrl(PORTAL, CREFID). I then pass the CREF ID from the nav collection item in the XSL. The transform happens first, then the Meta-HTML resolution happens. This allows me to generate a REAL psc URL rather than attempt to make one up. The problem with trying to create a /psc/ by just replacing /psp/ with a remote content provider is the remote content provider has a different PeopleSoft site name (as well as may have different server name and different node name).

You are getting the authorization error because your site name portion of the URL is pointing at your interaction hub but the content really comes from the content provider. /psp/ uses node definitions to resolve this correctly and fix it. /psc/ does not do this. It expects the real content provider's URL.

I wish there was a good delivered solution for this, but I can't find one. PSREGISTEREDURL returns the /psp/, not the /psc/.

If you check all the boxes correctly: not open in new window and not replace window, and if the nav collection is in a workcenter, then it is my understanding that the @AbsolutePortalURL attribute should point to the /psc/ URL. I have been testing this on 8.53, and it seems to work.

If you have unified nav setup, then it can be difficult to create a nav collection in a workcenter for remote items. The PeopleTools team recommends that you create your WorkCenter in the content provider app rather than in Interaction Hub.

I have a new Accordion XSL that I built for use with PT 8.53 with the jQuery and jQuery UI that is part of PT 8.53. I will post it soon. It should give an example of how to do all of this with delivered stuff, and without magical display formats.

Kevin Weaver said...

I knew you would have the answer for this problem.
But just for clarification, my workcenter page has both navigation collections and query based pagelets. The Navigation collection's link to the source content works, the issue is with the Query based content that use the "Table" Display Format.
My questions are how would I go about implementing a meta-html processor to resolve the content url? I have been looking at the Pagelet Wizard and it appears that I could use a custom xsl, but how do I get define the pagelet wizard to use my meta-HTML processor?

Thanks for your help!

Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. There are a handful of ways to get a link to work correctly. How are you generating your links? Are you building them as link fields in query? Are you using the chain link in Pagelet Wizard? Are you creating a link field in the query that is just a text type, but has a URL and then specifying that as the link target from Pagelet Wizard? You can try testing with a hard coded URL in the query or in the Pagelet Wizard link icon that points to the correct /psc/ URL. If that works, then figure out a way to make it configurable so you can move the query between servers without having to modify it (one way would be to join to the node table to get the server name).

I don't have a published example of creating your own display format. I do have examples of Data Types and Transforms. The data type example is in my first book. The transformer example is in this blog post.

Kevin Weaver said...

I was using the chain link in Pagelet Wizard. I went with the approach of building the link directly in the query and removing the chain link. Then I changed the display type from table to custom and modified the xsl to build my link using the hidden url from the query. I just looked for the match on /queryresult/queryrows/row, found the column I wanted to use for the link, column 1 and then added this to the xslt.


Thanks for you help!

Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, what do you think about using the chain link next to the field in Pagelet Wizard to specify the URL, but rather than choose a component, you choose Link Type: External URL, Base URL: Specified by Data, and then select the column with the URL to be the link? I think that will accomplish the same thing as modifying the XSL. I admit though, at times I do have to modify the XSL.

Kevin Weaver said...

I would have never thought of trying that, but it worked. It actually generated virtually the same xslt that I did.


Jim Marion said...

@Kevin, cool. I'm here for you man ;)

Hari said...

Hi Jim,

Recently we have gone live with Tools only upgrade 8.52.16. We have exposed component based pagelets (component that has been registered as pagelets) to users.

It worked out well in signle app/web servers in non-prod. But in prod users are complaining that when they click link present inside pagelet is kicking them out of portal.

They are seeing signout page. After doing cache clear/refresh the same user is able to access the link with out any issues.

Could you please help me to understand what could be the reason for this behavior?


Jim Marion said...

@Hari, I suggest you file a support case for this issue. If I were troubleshooting this, I would look in the app server logs in portal and the content provider to see if the error is in the log.

SK said...

Hi Jim

Can we add a CREF on the Homepage that points to an external URL. I would like this to be added beside Favorites and Main Menu.


Jim Marion said...

@SK, you can add a CREF to the portal registry and use it anywhere. When you use the CREF, the usage part really doesn't care whether it is a PeopleSoft or external target.

Now, the location part concerns me a bit. Are you asking if it can be up in the menu bar beside Favorites and Main Menu in the 8.50+ hover/drop-down menu? I have not tried that before. If you can find the place to inject your CREF/URL, then, yes. I don't think there is a configuration option for this though.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,
I need to add a custom link next to delivered "New Window" link in in PeopleSoft screen and when I click on the custom link it should always open a new window with static URL which is configured or hard coded.
I am trying find the logic behind the delivered "NewWindow" link but couldn't.
Can you please help me in achieving this.


Jim Marion said...

@Anil, I think that is all in the page assembler C++ app server code. The only way I know to do this is to use JavaScript to add a link to the page bar.

SK said...

You are right.
I would like to place the CREF beside the Favorites and MainMenu in 8.50. I checked and it is not a configuration item. I am not where to include the code.

Unknown said...


Thanks much for the information. Could you please put more light on writing the java script code to add link to the pagebar like where and how to write this code.Please share references if you have any.


Jim Marion said...

@Anil, I would use jQuery and JavaScript and place my code in PT_COMMON or PT_COPYURL (depends on PeopleTools version). You can find a similar example in chapter 8 of my book PeopleTools Tips and Techniques.

Simon Chiu said...

Hi Jim,

First of all this resource is very helpful!! Thank you for taking the time to share your superior knowledge.

I was wondering if you have come across similar requests as follows (we are using Pepolesoft Interaction Hub 9.1 Release 2):

-For the 3 Column Template, is it possible to change the width percentages to something like 10%,45%,45% ? Is the updating the CSS in app designer referencing the ptpglts id the best way to go?

-I have submitted an enhancement request to make it easier for homepage tabs to be workcenters (upon login, without a meta refresh). I am wondering if a template exists / can be modified that basically replicates a workcenter behavior. When a content reference is being viewed, can a fixed navigation collection pagelet be embedded on the right?

Thanks for any assistance you can offer... the Interaction Hub will definitely make our Peoplesoft Environment butter smooth in terms of usability!!

Jim Marion said...

@Simon yes, both are possible.

- You can change the column widths by cloning the PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT HTML definition. In your new definition, look for the 3 td elements that represent each column. You will see the width percentages specified in the HTML. If you prefer to use CSS, add a style block to your HTML definition. Next, open the tab's CREF in structure and content. Add a new attribute named PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT and set the value equal to the name of your new HTML definition. This allows you to change just one tab. If you want all tabs to have layout you described, then yes, add CSS for #ptpglts and p#ptcol1, #ptcol2, #ptcol3.

- The ability to use any page as a tab (including WorkCenter) pages is a new feature in 8.53. If you are on an earlier version of PeopleTools, you can use the PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT method described above, but use JavaScript to set window.location.href to the URL for your WorkCenter.

Simon Chiu said...

Hi Jim,

thanks for your reply!

We are running a pretty recent version of people tools 8.53.06.

In our version, is there another trick for getting a workcenter dashboard to act as a homepage tab without modifying the HTML definition with a window.location.href script?

Thanks again!!

Jim Marion said...

@Simon, yes, 8.53 has this new feature called "Custom Tabs." You create a CREF link to your WorkCenter in the Custom Tabs folder of your Portal Objects > Homepage > Tabs folder.

Simon Chiu said...

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Jim!

For future reference, to make a WorkCenter Dashboard a Home Page tab, this is what I did:

-Loaded up Structure and Content, and browsed to: Portal Objects -> Navigation Collections -> Custom Tabs

-Click the Add Content Reference Link, and browsed for my WorkCenter Dashboard in the Employee Portal

-Set a Name and Label ~ this seemed to do the trick!

Thanks for all your help!!

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

I have one requirement like open new window when user clicks on Query which is attached to the Home page portal. I did solve this one using content reference attribute is NAVNEWWIN.

But the problem is when we open new window with URL, if any user who doesn't have access to the query, he/she can access that query using that URL. Somehow security, which is attached to that Query (CREF) is not working when any user copy that new window URL and paste it browser and login.
Why Security on the portal does not apply to the CREF when user (who doesn't have access to the CREF) uses new window URL? Is there any work around to wrap that URL after new window opened or Is there anyway we can hide the
Address bar when the new window pop's up ? so that users can't mess around with the URL

We are in PSHCM 9.1 and Tools 8.53

Unknown said...

Hi Jim,

I have one requirement like open new window when user clicks on Query which is attached to the Home page portal. I did solve this one using content reference attribute is NAVNEWWIN.

But the problem is when we open new window with URL, if any user who doesn't have access to the query, he/she can access that query using that URL. Somehow security, which is attached to that Query (CREF) is not working when any user copy that new window URL and paste it browser and login.
Why Security on the portal does not apply to the CREF when user (who doesn't have access to the CREF) uses new window URL? Is there any work around to wrap that URL after new window opened or Is there anyway we can hide the
Address bar when the new window pop's up ? so that users can't mess around with the URL

We are in PSHCM 9.1 and Tools 8.53

Jim Marion said...

@Suren Garine, all queries get the same URL, just different query string parameters (ICQryNameURL). I think the way you need to secure a query is through your query security trees and record access, not through URL or CREF security. If this doesn't seem correct, then you should file a support case with global support.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim, I am trying to open a page in lightbox, have less knowledge in javascript and html designs. can you suggest something


Jim Marion said...

@Som, I suggest you look for some examples of using various lightbox JavaScript libraries and get a good understanding of how to use them. Then pick one that seems best for your needs and implement that within PeopleSoft. You will need a good understanding of your JavaScript library before you continue.

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