Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A Quasi-dynamic Signout Template

Nested under the WEB-INF/psftdocs directory of your PeopleSoft web server, you will find several HTML templates. Even though the title of this post references the signout template specifically, the concepts outlined in this post are relevant to the other templates as well.

Template Variables

As you browse the delivered templates, you will notice that several templates include JSP/ASP style tags used to insert text into the template. To include additional localized text in the signout.html template, you can add an entry to your language's text.properties file. For example, to include the text Please contact the IT Help Desk for further information in your template, add the following text to the text.properties file.

6000=Please contact the IT Help Desk for further information

To insert that text into your template, add <%=6000%> to your template.

Query String

Since HTML templates are read and parsed by PeopleSoft, we really can't enhance them with dynamic content beyond the functionality built into that parser. Therefore, our ability to inject dynamic content into these templates is somewhat limited. Nevertheless, if we can get additional data into the logout URL as query string parameters, we can access those parameters from the template at "runtime" using JavaScript.

Now the real trick... appending key/value pairs to the logout URL. If you are using PeopleSoft's Enterprise Portal, you can modify the sign out link from the Define Headers component (Portal Administration > Branding > Define Headers). Other alternatives for enhancing the sign out link include modifying the HTML objects that define the header or using JavaScript to modify the href attribute of the Sign out link.


Using a Servlet Filter like Monkeygrease we can inject valid HTML content (including JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc) into the PeopleSoft response. If you really want to get dynamic, you can create your own filter to do just about anything (access a database with JDBC, call a web service, etc).