Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Page and Field Configurator or Event Mapping?

Which tool would you use if someone asked you to hide a PeopleSoft field? We asked our LinkedIn audience that same question. Here are the results:

85% of respondents chose Page and Field Configurator, which is fantastic!

Both tools can hide a field, but is one a better option? I use a decision matrix to help me decide which one to use:

Decision Matrix

Event Mapping PaFC
Can the solution be configured with PaFC?
PaFC cannot provide the expected result.

If you can use Page and Field Configurator, then choose it for these two reasons:

  • Page and Field Configurator contains a "Validate Configuration" feature to verify the configuration is still relevant after applying maintenance and
  • Functional business analysts may manage Page and Field Configurator (Event Mapping is a developer-only solution).

When should you use Event Mapping? For everything else. For example, Page and Field Configurator does not yet work with Group Boxes. Likewise, complex logic may require Event Mapping (or might be easier to read and write if written in Event Mapping).

We teach both topics in our three-day Configure, don't Customize course. Check it out to see when we are offering it next!

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Five Ways to Consume a REST Service with PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft includes facilities for providing and consuming REST. A service provider is a listener. A provider waits for requests and responds accordingly. To provide web services, we must register metadata with Integration Broker. The process is pretty well fixed. Consumption, on the other hand, is much more flexible. Consuming a REST service means invoking (or calling) someone else's listener. The consumer initiates the conversation. In a consumption scenario, we might be sending data, receiving data, or both.

Here are five ways a PeopleSoft developer might invoke a REST service:

1. Metadata

This is the traditional PeopleSoft approach and follows the same pattern as providing services through Integration Broker. Here are a few of the metadata items a developer would create:

  • Documents,
  • Messages,
  • Service, and
  • Service Operation.
After creating and registering somewhat reusable metadata, the developer would then write PeopleCode to:
  • Create Document structures,
  • Invoke the service, and
  • Parse the response.

Even though this approach requires the most effort and offers the least reuse, it takes full advantage of Integration Broker's capabilities, including logging, security, etc.

Metadata, in general, offers the following benefits:

  • Reuse (ability to use the same definition multiple times),
  • Documentation (describes an object),
  • Reporting (query and analysis), and
  • Transformation (ability to upgrade and transform based on architecture changes).

Pure code solutions are much harder to query and transform. Metadata is what allowed PeopleSoft to switch from a Windows-based Client/Server solution to its Pure Internet Architecture in (mostly) one release. Metadata is what allowed Integration Broker to transform from an XML-focused solution into an SOA solution in one release (the 8.48 transform). If these benefits sound appealing, then metadata may be the right choice for you.

2. Application Services Framework

Created initially as a REST provider to support digital assistants, the Application Services Framework can now consume REST services. The Application Services Framework is a developer-friendly configuration layer tightly integrated with Integration Broker metadata. Rather than directly working with SOA-oriented metadata, the Application Services Framework allows developers to create solutions using REST terminology and REST patterns.

To use the Application Services Framework for consumption, a developer would:

  • Register the target service with the Application Services Framework, which includes describing the URL, parameters, headers, and payload (both request and response).
  • Write PeopleCode to invoke the endpoint service.
This is one of the most important chapters in our updated Integration Tools curriculum. You may find basic information (including code samples) on consuming a REST service in PeopleBooks.

3. %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL

If your request is a simple URL with no special headers (request or response headers) and any parameters may be passed through the URL, then this is the most straightforward approach:

Local string &response = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL("http://rest.example.com/endpoint");

Unfortunately, this solution offers no logging, header control, or any typical Integration Broker or integration features. It is strictly for the simplest GET requests. Nevertheless, by using URL definitions, this alternative may be one of the better alternatives for cross-environment migrations.

4. Code-only

The challenge with the first option, Metadata, is that it requires creating, migrating, and maintaining a significant number of definitions that provide little (if any) value for REST. For example, the URL of a PeopleSoft REST consumer service becomes part of the metadata. If you have different targets between DEV, TEST, and PROD, then you must modify the metadata after every migration. Implementing a true PeopleSoft Metadata-focused solution (such as option 1) may require you to violate development best practices by making changes after each migration.

Since all approaches require PeopleCode, why not skip the Integration Broker metadata in favor of your own reusable best practice-based metadata? You may find an example of this approach in our blog post Simple Code-only REST Request. With this approach, you are responsible for managing URLs, Credentials, etc., but you may store them in a manner that allows for reuse and better migration management. For example, you might create URL definitions that point to different endpoints in DEV, TEST, and PROD.

It is important to note that this approach DOES use metadata, but it reuses generic PeopleTools-delivered definitions, so we don't have to create new definitions.

As mentioned earlier, code doesn't report or transform well, so this alternative may miss out on future automated transforms, such as the 8.48 automated transform. Likewise, integrations launched in this manner won't log details in the Synchronous Service Operation Monitor. Nevertheless, this approach is becoming one of our favorite alternatives to overly complicated metadata.

5. Java

Using Java allows a PeopleSoft developer to bypass Integration Broker altogether. We put this option last because it should be the choice of last resort. However, it is probably the most flexible option available, allowing for everything from simple low-level sockets to convenient libraries, such as Apache's HttpClient (now included with PeopleTools).

There are many reasons to choose this option, but here are the two most common:

  • Processing binary data: Integration Broker is pretty much an XML workhorse. Everything passing through Integration Broker is wrapped in XML at some point. Unfortunately, that might not work well with binary data. Therefore, skipping Integration Broker may be appropriate.
  • Processing large amounts of data: Integration Broker works with DOM. It requires all data to be loaded in memory at one time. This makes it a poor choice for handling large datasets. An alternative is to use stream processing with an event-based parser, such as a SAX parser. With Java, you can read bytes, process them through an event-based processor, and then discard the processed bytes.
The challenge with using Java directly from PeopleCode is that many Java methods and constructors use overloading. As a workaround, we devised a strategy for invoking Java through JavaScript from PeopleCode. With a small PeopleCode fragment, we can invoke a JavaScript, and JavaScript handles Java really well. Details about this strategy are available in our Blog Post JavaScript on the App Server: Scripting PeopleCode.

The following is a sample JavaScript we used at Reconnect 2024 to stream-processed a large amount of JSON data from a REST service.

At JSMpros, we teach all five options in our Integration Tools and Integration Tools Update courses. Check out our website for on-demand and live course offerings. Alternatively, subscribe to gain access to all of our on-demand courses.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

How Well Do You Know the PeopleCode Language?

 I was reading through some forum threads and saw an interesting question. Let me summarize:

How do I convert from a number to a string so that I get the integer portion of the number? I have 1234 in a number, but when I put it in a string field, I get 1234.00.

This is a great question! There are many PeopleCode "casting" functions, such as Number and String. Reading through the thread, I saw some interesting answers. One of them that I liked used Java to do the conversion. What I liked about this idea was the out-of-the-box thinking. But is it necessary? Can you do this with PeopleCode? The answer is YES using the functions NumberToString and NumberToDisplayString. Is there anything wrong with using Java instead? No. I love PeopleCode's ability to leverage the JRE. But there is a cost in context switching, JRE overhead, etc.

Keeping with the number and string scenario, do you really need to "cast" a number to a string? Consider the following code listing:

Local number &anInteger = 1234;

MessageBox(0,"",0,0, &anInteger);

This code would fail because the fifth parameter to MessageBox must be a string. Therefore, it seems we need casting functions. Or do we? Consider the following alternative (notice the string concatenation in the MessageBox function):

Local number &anInteger = 1234;

MessageBox(0,"",0,0, "" | &anInteger);

When we concatenate a number to a string, PeopleCode applies an implicit cast. Interestingly, it only applies an implicit cast if we trick it with a zero-length string. As a side note, the above implicit cast returns the integer portion 1234 without decimals because 1234 has no decimals (which was the original request).

What about conditional logic? Here is one of my favorite examples:

If(PER_ORG_ASGN.POI_TYPE = "00002") Then
   JOB.COMPRATE.Visible = False;
   JOB.COMPRATE.Visible = True;

The above conditional code could be rewritten as:


With an understanding of the PeopleCode language, we have reduced five lines of code into a single line. This might be considered the Spartan Programming approach. While I love the concept, Spartan Programming claims it "is not directly concerned with readability." Therefore, I prefer a slightly modified, possibly more human-readable alternative:

Local boolean &isVisible = (PER_ORG_ASGN.POI_TYPE = "00002");

JOB.COMPRATE.Visible = &isVisible;

Here is another piece of code I found several years ago:

Local Array of String &arr;


REM ** delete all elements from an array;
For &i = 1 to &arr.Len

If you look through PeopleBooks, you will see the Array has no clearemptydeleteAll, or any other method for emptying all elements from an array. So I can see why the author wrote the code above. But the reason the Array object has no method for emptying an array is because it doesn't need one. The Array length is writable. The easiest way to empty an array is:

&arr.Len = 0;

How well do you know the PeopleCode language? Time for a refresher? Check out our on-demand PeopleCode course and advanced PeopleCode Application Classes courses and experience a new side of PeopleCode!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Generating Activity Guide URLs

Creating Activity Guide navigation is challenging for two reasons:

  1. Simple Fluid Activity Guides all use the same component. This means we can't use a simple content reference. To use security to show or hide an Activity Guide content reference, we must use the URL type of PeopleSoft Generic URL. We must type a PeopleSoft URL fragment rather than leverage the traditional Content Reference fields (menu, component, market).
  2. Activity Guides with Runtime Context require dynamically generated URLs. These Activity Guides cannot leverage simple content references.

My PeopleCode for launching Activity Guides with Runtime Context usually starts with a GenerateComponentPortalURL to generate the base Activity Guide framework URL and then a bit of URL concatenation to assemble the Runtime context attributes. Here is an App Class I put together to make this easier.

Here is how you would use it:

import JSM_URL_UTIL:ActivityGuideURL;   
Local JSM_URL_UTIL:ActivityGuideURL &urlBuilder = create JSM_URL_UTIL:ActivityGuideURL("JSM_AWE_AG");
Local string &url;

&urlBuilder.addContextItem(Field.EOAWPRCS_ID, "FacilityAccessRequest");
&urlBuilder.addContextItem(Field.DESCR, "Facility Access Request");

&url = &urlBuilder.generateFluidURL();

The addContextItem method takes a key/value pair, both of which are strings (they will become part of the URL string). Since context IDs (keys) are fields, then using Field.FIELDNAME syntax is preferred so Edit | Find Definition References will locate your field usage.

We added one more convenience method: generateGenericPeopleSoftFluidURL(). Use this method to help you craft a PeopleSoft Generic URL to a static Activity Guide. This is a one-time-use method you would call at design time to create that static URL fragment required by a Content Reference. If you have a simple, static Activity Guide with no context, then you may want to create a Content Reference. However, typing all of the parameters correctly can be a challenge. Use this helper method to generate the full Generic PeopleSoft URL for you. We invoke this method from a design-time App Engine, but you may want to create a page for it instead.

Are you interested in learning more about PeopleCode Application Classes? Check out our two-day course available live virtual or on-demand!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

PeopleSoft Reconnect 2024


I have the privilege of sharing the following sessions at PeopleSoft Reconnect 2024:

  • Getting the Most out of PeopleSoft PeopleTools: Tips and Techniques on Monday at 4:45 PM Eastern. During this session, I will share PeopleTools tips to help you become a more productive PeopleSoft developer, including ways to use Java, JavaScript, and Integration to build solutions without customizing Oracle's code. Functional staff and business analysts will benefit from experiencing what is possible with the PeopleSoft platform.
  • Isolate and Configure: Don't Customize on Tuesday at 12:00 PM Eastern. With selective adoption and continuous delivery, it is important that we avoid customizing PeopleSoft. The more we customize, the less we adopt new features and apply maintenance. Join this session to understand options to help us isolate and replace customizations. Experience the art of the possible through incredible examples and use cases.
  • PeopleSoft Test Framework: Your New Compare Report on Wednesday at 3:45 PM Eastern. Event Mapping, Drop Zones, and Page and Field Configurator allow us to isolate (not eliminate) customizations. A key difference between traditional and isolated customizations is that traditional customizations are listed in a compare report. Isolated customizations are not. However, isolated customizations run the same risk of breaking as traditional customizations. Join me on Wednesday to learn how we can use the PeopleSoft Test Framework to replace the compare report, allowing us to analyze broken customizations rather than the traditional approach of analyzing everything.
  • PeopleSoft Fluid Best Practices on Thursday at 1:15 PM Eastern. Fluid is PeopleSoft's strategic direction. But how does it differ from Classic? In this session, I will share with you tips and design patterns to help you build better Fluid solutions faster. Tips will include grid handling, adaptive and responsive design, CSS, and CSS variables.
I look forward to seeing the PeopleSoft community online virtually next week, October 28-31!

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Finding Tiles

Fluid Homepage Tiles are Content References just like all other content references, with one exception: They are really hard to find! Fluid tile definitions exist in a subfolder of Fluid Structure and Content > Fluid Pages. The question is: Which folder?

PeopleTools 8.60 added a new feature that may help: groupletid. Tile HTML now contains a custom attribute called groupletid. You may read more about this new feature in PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60 New Features Overview (Doc ID 2897533.1) on My Oracle Support.

As stated in the support document, the Grouplet ID is the Content Reference ID (CREF ID). Fantastic! What that means is you and I can capture the CREF ID directly from the HTML!

Once I have the CREF ID, I can visit Enterprise Components > Find Object Navigation to find the tile's Portal Registry folder and path.

Are you interested in printing a list of all tile CREFs for a particular user? Fire up your browser's JavaScript console and type (or paste) the following:

document.querySelectorAll("div[groupletid]").forEach(function(el) {

All tiles from all homepages exist in the HTML as soon as the homepage loads. They are just hidden. Want to just see the tiles for the active homepage? Try this derivative:

document.querySelectorAll(".lptab-cont:not(.psc_invisible) div[groupletid]").forEach(function(el) {

At JSMpros, we teach PeopleTools tips like this every week! Check out our class schedule to see what we are offering next. Want to learn on your own time? Become a subscriber to access all our courses anytime from anywhere!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Should you use the Override and/or Replace Features?

I absolutely love Isolated Customization strategies such as Event Mapping and App Engine Action Plugins. These strategies allow us to extend Oracle's delivered solution without touching Oracle-delivered code. The benefit is more efficient maintenance cycles because of fewer retrofits.

Both of these features, Event Mapping and App Engine Action Plugins, have one shortcoming: You may not use them to inject code into the middle of an Oracle-delivered code listing. Event Mapping and App Engine Action Plugins only allow code to be inserted before or after an entire listing. What if you need to inject code in the middle? Until recently, the only option was to continue modifying Oracle's delivered code.

Both Event Mapping and App Engine Action Plugins have a feature allowing a developer to replace or override Oracle's delivered code listing with your own. Customers looking for "clean" compare reports may be tempted to copy the Oracle-delivered code into their own code listing, modify it, and then replace/override Oracle's delivered code. The end result is a clean compare report and hopefully less work when applying maintenance.

But does it really work that way? Let's say you take this approach. You clone Oracle's delivered code into your own code listing. You modify your copy. You use Event Mapping or App Engine Action Plugins to replace Oracle's code. Time passes, and you apply maintenance. Since the compare reports show no customizations, you adopt Oracle's changes with no retrofits. You test the system, and because of your overrides, the system continues using your code, not Oracle's code. This is good, right? Isn't this what you want? MAYBE NOT! Oracle delivered maintenance for a reason. Did they patch a security vulnerability? Did they fix a bug? Did they alter the data model or business logic in a manner that renders your clone less effective?

If you use the override/replace in this manner, you have no way of knowing what Oracle "fixed." The only way to know that you are using the latest version of their code is to perform your own manual compare and retrofit outside of PeopleTools. And if you are going to do that, wouldn't it be easier to just modify Oracle-delivered anyway? You know what is worse? Since overridden and replaced code listings don't show on compare reports, your system may be fully patched and still suffer security vulnerabilities in your clones of Oracle-delivered code.

The Override/Replace features are fantastic for REPLACING Oracle's delivered code. In other words, if you don't want Oracle's code to run at all, then override or replace it.

Want to learn more about PeopleTools Event Mapping? Check out our one-day on-demand Event Mapping course! Or even better, subscribe and get a full year of access to the entire JSMpros on-demand PeopleTools training library!

Want to further reduce your maintenance workload? Replace customization analysis and review with PeopleSoft's Automated Testing Tool (PTF). Learn how through our two-day PTF course, which is available on-demand and live!