Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Base64 Encoding Binary Files

Several months ago I posted a handful of methods for base64 encoding strings. At that time I suggested that the next important step was base64 encoding binary files. This represents a challenge because PeopleCode does not offer methods for reading binary files. The following PeopleCode uses the Java API and the Apache Commons Codec library to show how to base64 encode a binary file. To run this example, download the commons-codec library and place the jar file in your local %PS_HOME\class directory. Next, create an App Engine with a PeopleCode step and insert the following PeopleCode:

Local JavaObject &f_in = CreateJavaObject("", "c:\temp\binaryfile.gif");
Local JavaObject &coder_in = CreateJavaObject("org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream", &f_in, True);
Local JavaObject &reader = CreateJavaObject("", CreateJavaObject("", &coder_in));

Local string &b64Data = "";
Local any &line;

While True
&line = &reader.readLine();
If (&line <> Null) Then
&b64Data = &b64Data | &line | Char(13) | Char(10);


Local File &b64File = GetFile("c:\temp\base64_encoded.txt", "A", "A", %FilePath_Absolute);

The Java objects at the top of this listing read binary data from a file and transform that data into a base64 text listing, which is then stored in the variable &b64Data. For demonstration purposes, I wrote the contents of &b64Data to a file. In real life, you would add this contents to a CDATA node prior to sending a message through the Integration Broker.

Before running this code, replace c:\temp\binaryfile.gif with the full path to a real binary file on your workstation. After adding the PeopleCode listed above, disable restart and run your App Engine. When the App Engine completes, look in your local c:\temp directory for a file named base64_encoded.txt.


  1. Hi Jim,
    Just wanted to know if there is a way to load this Binary file into a BLOB object in database directly. Not using given add attachment or anything but the way you have done, I mean how to get that bianry content as a binary string ? and can I insert that binary string in database directly then ? If you can help me on this that will be great. this way i can create a mass upload of JPEG files using Peoplecode and not writing PL/SQL upload which can do that.

  2. @Prateek, you could store the base64 results in a CLOB, but considering that base64 encoding creates a file that is dramatically larger than the binary equivalent, I'm not sure this is a good idea.

    I haven't tried writing binary data directly to a BLOB using PeopleCode records. I'll have to do some investigating to see how this would work.

    If the file is already on your app server, as it would be to base64 encode it, why not use PutAttachment?PutAttachment does require an attachment record definition and a URL definition.

    I will look into reading/storing binary data directly in record definitions. I am interested in this as well.

  3. Thanks Jim, I was just wondering how come I can write binary files using writeRaw but I cant read a doc or jpeg files in peoplecode and load directly into BLOB field in database so that later on I can again print back using writeRaw. If one way is possible other way should be there.

  4. @Prateek, do you mean %Response.WriteBinary? You can definitely do a SQLExec into a variable of type "Any" and then WriteBinary that contents to the browser. Is that what you mean? Now you are looking for a way to acquire binary and write to a table? Just trying to clarify...

  5. Hi Jim,
    I am aware of writing the data to browser using writeBinary( thanks to your post for that). I am looking for just other way round. If I have a jpeg/GIF file on the server and I want to load this into my EMPLOYEE_PHOTO table which has IMAGE field which is nothing but a BLOB (binary large object). I want to read the file as a bianry file and insert that binary content using SQLs. Its possible in Pl/SQL as far as I heard but why not in Peoplecode. why Do we have writeRaw() function in peoplecode to write BLOB objects from database to file why not other way round.
    THis way if I can achieve that I would be able to do a mass upload of JPEG files in server to tables using an App engine. Wht do you say ?

  6. Why not use PutAttachment? It does what you described. You write some PeopleCode to insert files into tables. PutAttachment is the method provided by PeopleCode to bulk insert attachments. PutAttachment and GetAttachment are the server side, non UI compliments to the UI based AddAttachment, ViewAttachment, etc. I use PutAttachment and GetAttachment all the time to move files in and out of the database to manipulate/process them on the app server. The added bonus of using PutAttachment when inserting files is that you can later use ViewAttachment and DeleteAttachment from the UI to allow users to work with these files online as well.

  7. Thanks Jim, I think thats the fastest way to do so. I also thought so , was just wondering if I have Binary I/O in peoplecode to read & write Files

  8. No, unfortunately, there is no binary I/O in PeopleCode. The only way I know of to work with binary data from PeopleCode is through Java.

  9. Unfortunately I have no idea of Java but thanks to you and your blog. I should say big big thanks to you for helping so many PeoplSoft professionals with your blog.

    Prateek Parasar

  10. @Prateek, Thank you. I am glad to help. Hopefully all of my Java posts give you and other PeopleTools programmers some idea of the power of Java and some ideas on how to use Java with PeopleCode.

  11. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for the information provided,As you said in the post i used PutAttachment method to bulk upload photos in to the system. Below is the code i used in my app engine for uploading photos for all active employees.

    &RC = CreateRecord(Record.EMPL_PHOTO);

    Local Rowset &rs1 = CreateRowset(Record.ZIN_EMPL_TAG_VW); /* SQL View which returns Active employees */

    &rcount = &rs1.Fill();

    For &I = 1 To &rs1.RowCount

    &EMPLID = &rs1(&I).ZIN_EMPL_TAG_VW.EMPLID.Value;

    &FILE_NAME = "C:\Upload Photos\" | &EMPLID | ".jpg";

    &RC.EMPLID.Value = &EMPLID;

    &Result = PutAttachment("record://PSFILE_ATTDET", &EMPLID | ".txt", &FILE_NAME);


    &RC.EMPLOYEE_PHOTO.Value = &Data;

    &RC.PSIMAGEVER.Value = (Days365(Date3(1999, 12, 31), %Date) * 86400) + (%Time - Time3(0, 0, 0));


  12. @Mohammed Hussain, If you know the name of the table that has the files you want to copy to the file system, then use the GetAttachment function. Usually the attachment details table (the one with FILE_DATA) is related to a transaction table by ATTACHSYSFILENAME. Find that table also. Then you can iterate over files by emplid, as you are doing and then call GetAttachment using the URL (as you are using), the ATTACHSYSFILENAME (from the transaction table that has ATTACHSYSFILENAME, ATTACHUSERFILE, and EMPLID), and the ATTACHUSERFILE value. ATTACHSYSFILENAME is parameter two to GetAttachment and ATTACHUSERFILE is parameter three.

  13. I am sending a soap messge from SOAPUI which is this:


    But in handler I am getting this


    Not peoplesoft delivered handler for HCM service registry still expects soap message as it is sent, is it a peoplesoft issue or Do we need to do something so that it stops doing this conversion.
    Right now I can see it happens all my messages and it removes all the header and soap envelop when message is shown in message monitor.
    Any thoughts

  14. @Pressure, did you paste in XML tags or anything? The "what you sent" and "what you get" in your post are identical. I'm not sure what the problem is. Do you need to HTML escape your tags and repost your question?

  15. before(sent from SoapUI) :
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">

    Received at handler(also in monitor:)

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <PERSID xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsa=""
    xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">AA0001</PERSID>

  16. when I conver HCM registry to IB definition it automatically creates everything including handler but the issue is that handler still expects the message as its written inside the WSDL but when i send the soap message thru SoapUI I receive completely stripped message. So I checked my other custom handler and message which I created and I found out this stripping happens all the time(only thing in my code I always write using getrowset or getelement by tag name and it works.) and I never receive a Soap doc in my handler , this does not happen in outbound as whtver i send is receievd at destination.

  17. Is there something wrong in my system or way of sending or there is any other way to receive the Soap DOC as it is sent and IB does not play with it.

  18. @Pressure, thank you, that clears it up a bit. Are you using a rowset based message or non rowset?

  19. HCM registry ones are non rowset based and schema is automatically generated from WSDL given in HCM resgitry for the service.

    I still have not found the answer why that soap message changes to XML

  20. @Pressure, I am wondering too. I thought the old SOAP2CI passed the full SOAP message to the handler. The HttpListeningConnector, at that time, wasn't coded to do anything different... hmmm... maybe that is it. Are you using the service listening connector or the HttpListeningConnector?

  21. I am using ServiceListner connector as I exposed this as webservice . you gave me a point to test it using a Http listening conenctor now. but I have done whtever the service registry says and provided service. we hv decided to report this to oracle as either the issue is with the listener or with their generic handler app package wrriten for these HCM Services which still expects Soap

  22. How to expose webservice not using ServiceListeningconenctor and rather use HttpListenerconnector, I know I can do without exposing as webservice and just treat as app messaging, but now I am curious if I can use different conenctor to so.

  23. Thanks Jim. Great news. I have changed the Listner from ServiceListener to HttpListener and it worked like a charm.

    How weird. Peoplesoft somewhere should tell me that ServiceListeningconnector does something with my message.

  24. @Pressure, yes, you should open a case with support. If you are using a WSDL with a web service end point, but the delivered code acts like it is processing a full soap message, then there is a problem for development to fix.

    If you want to make this change yourself, then I think you just need to change the connector on your node or in your routing connector properties (if you are connecting from PeopleSoft).

    If you are posting to PeopleSoft from outside PeopleSoft (like soapui), then you can change the URL in your consumer application. I know the WSDL defines the web service end point as the service connector, but if you need to process the full soap message, then you will want to send to the HttpListeningConnector.

  25. @Pressure, it would be nice if it told you. I forgot it did that. That was one of the purposes for the service listening connector.

  26. Anyway all is well in the end.We dnt think peoplesoft wants these service operation to be exposed as webservice rather use as app messages over http which will work on http listener conenctor. thanks for spending time on this.
    thanks a lot.

  27. I have got another question. I need to implement a thirda party payment gateway and I am sure that USers needs to be redirected to one URL (we will send the data as well) and then user will key in the card etc dtls and pay the amount and once done it should come back to the same page in Peoplesoft. Its not somethign I have done till now. So basically I know how to redirect to external URLs but how to send the data, I assume HTML forms but dnt know exactly, can you please explain mein how and also how the thrida party can redirect back to the same page and send the information back. This is not something related to IB and not my area but I thought you might know as it will involve Iscript and HTML probably. Thanks in advance.

  28. @Pressure, actually, it may use Integration Broker. The FSCM punchouts are a good example of this. Usually the target service will require a callback URL so it can send the information back to your system.

  29. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for quick response but I dnt have FSCM, i am in campus solutions right now. can you share some example. Once I have seen data being posted using HTML form post and then receiving once the work is done on external website. If you have anything let me know atleast it will give me a starting point.

  30. @Pressure, I'm afraid I don't have a CRM example.

  31. Hi Jim,
    do you know any way to update component buffer with async to Sync integration. I woud like fire a async - Sync message in component prebuild of integration broker and once we get the response back needs to update the component buffer through AJAX/New technologies.We are in new tools 8.50.
    first Question is can we do it. if yes can you help how.


  32. @Lee, so asynchronous versus synchronous. Synchronous would be blocking on prebuild. If you make a synchronous request from prebuild, then the prebuild event will not return until the synchronous request returns. This means your users will not see the component displayed until the synchronous request returns. There is no Ajax involved here. If you used asynchronous in prebuild, then you would send a message and include a callback. You would then have to poll for a result because there is no way for the integration broker to update a component buffer. I don't think you want that either.

    If you just want to update the page, then add an HTMLArea to the page and make the Ajax service request from the page (either to an iScript or to the Integration Broker HTTPListeningConnector).

    If you want to update the component buffer, then do the same as the page example above, but on return of the asynchronous Ajax request, update the local page field and execute the field's onchange event (if it has one). This won't update the component buffer (unless there is FieldChange PeopleCode), but it will update the local page level values. Once the user takes an action that submits the page for processing (FieldChange, Save, click a prompt, whatever), the component buffer will get updated.

    I would discourage a synchronous service call from any component event that happens before the component is displayed. Invoking a service at that point will delay displaying the page to the user and make them think your system has poor performance. If it must happen as soon as the page loads, then use JavaScript and Ajax to do it when the page loads. I think this will give you the best experience.

    Even though you are on PT 8.50, I don't think you will get any benefit from the new PT 8.50 ajax in your scenario.

    If you read my other posts, you know that I would recommend using jQuery to do this. I think jQuery dramatically simplifies the amount of JavaScript you have to write.

    Let me know if this makes sense.

  33. Jim, I am sending a synchronous request to ECM (Enterprise Content Manager, an Oracle Product) using the http target connector. I saw a couple references to an HTTPListeningConnector. I am sending and receiving a SOAP document to download a file. I am having problems decrypting the file. Could my problem be that I am using the PeopleSoftListeningConnector? If so, how do we set up an HTTPListeningConnector?

  34. @Joseph, I would have to look closer to know for sure, but it sounds like you are already using the Http Target Connector. Since it is synchronous, the response will come back on the same channel as the request. If your target node is configured to use HTTPTARGET, then the response will come back over HTTP.

    SOAP is text, so if you are receiving binary data, it must be encoded in some way (base64?). I know of ECM, but haven't worked with it. Does the SOAP response contain the file or does it just contain a URL to the file? If it is just a URL/pointer to the file, then you will need some other mechanism to download the file.

  35. Jim, the file is in the SOAP response and is encoded with base64 (according to the Oracle ECM support).

    So far, though, I have not been able to decode and open the file (using Word, or Acrobat, et al). I have tried several ways, but it appears that I have to stream the decoded data into the file, as opposed to decoding to a text string and writing that to the file (file.writeline). I am not a java programmer, so I don't know how this is done with java, although I have tried a couple of the easier java methods like:

    Local object &oDecoder = CreateJavaObject("sun.misc.BASE64Decoder");
    Local object &dOut = &oDecoder.decodeBuffer(&Fld_Str);
    Local object &oDecoded = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", &dOut, 0, &dOut.length, "UTF8");
    &DecodeResult = &oDecoded.toString();

    Please help!!! I have run out of ideas (and quickly running out of time)?

  36. fyi... in regard to my last post, I have solved the problem of writing a binary file via PeopleCode. In this case, I am getting the file from Oracle's Enterprise Content Manager.

    REM &Fld_Str contains the ecrypted binary data (from SOAP Msg)
    &Fld_Str = &Rslts_Node.NodeValue;

    rem &PrintFlName is the path and filename from the SOAP MSG;
    &PrintFlName = &Sav_Dir | &Resp_NameVal;

    Local object &oDecoder = CreateJavaObject("sun.misc.BASE64Decoder");
    Local object &dOut = &oDecoder.decodeBuffer(&Fld_Str);
    Local object &fstream2 = CreateJavaObject("", &PrintFlName);



  37. @Joseph, Brilliant! Well done. Thank you for sharing.

    One comment though... instead of using Local Object, I recommend using Local JavaObject. I don't know if it will change anything, but the return value of a Java method is technically a JavaObject, so it is worth noting that in the declaration.

  38. I have problem while attaching file to database. It passed me an error “Error attaching file to database.” I’m using PutAttachment method, standard attachment record definition and a URL definition --> &rtn = PutAttachment(URL.FILEDB, &fname, %This.getFullPath());
    Does this error got to do/fix some setting at the server?

  39. Missed the greeting :)
    hi Jim

  40. @Rachel, I'm trying to think of what could cause this... My only guesses are that either the file path isn't correct, the app server doesn't have access to the file, or the record doesn't exist. Since you are using FILEDB, I'm assuming the table was built from the record. If you haven't already done so, I suggest using the File object to write %This.getFullPath() to a temp/log file. You can also use the File object to try to open the file specified by %This.getFullPath read only and see if you get a file access error. If this doesn't answer the question, then I think you should get someone to look at the code and see it execute in your environment, for example, opening a case with Global Support.

  41. Hi Rachel, :D No problem. Thank you for being polite!

    -- Jim

  42. Hi Jim.

    thanks for the reply. ill try to debug it using the file object.

  43. Hi Jim,

    I'm hoping you can help out here. I want to convert file attachments to base64 from an Oracle database.

    From your other post about base64, I thought I could do this as an example

    Local String &data1, &data2;

    SQLExec("SELECT UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(FILE_DATA))) FROM psfile_attdet where attachsysfilename = '4488R2Current.doc' and FILE_SEQ = 0", &data1);
    SQLExec("SELECT UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(FILE_DATA))) FROM psfile_attdet where attachsysfilename = '4488R2Current.doc' and FILE_SEQ = 2", &data2);

    Local File &FILE = GetFile("C:\base64.txt", "w", "a", %FilePath_Absolute);

    However I get casting problems with my SQL :(

    Any ideas what I need to do to get FILE_DATA to base64?

    Is what I want to do going to work?

    Actually what I then want to do is decode the base64 and put it into a java byte[] array – not a file.


    Local JavaObject &documentByteArray = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(&data1+&data2);

    rem Use Java POI to check if word document is password protected;

    Local boolean &isProtected = POI.IsWordDocumentPasswordProtected(&documentByteArray);

    Thanks for any help


  44. @Kane,

    I'm looking at your code and it seems as though base64 is just an intermediate state so you can get it through the PeopleCode layer, which only supports basic types like string (base64) and not binary data. If the data is in a file attachment table in the format acceptable to the File attachment functions (because it was put there by something like AddAttachment or PutAttachment), then why not just use GetAttachment to copy the file locally? Once you have it in a temp file in your app or process scheduler server, you can use or one of the other streams to work with the file. I'm sure you know how to get a file into a byte array (read from FileInputStream and write to ByteArrayOutputStream) or maybe you can skip the byte array all together?

    It would be nice if you could skip the temporary file and just test the file in the database. In fact, if you have Java installed in your database, then you may be able to do this with a Java stored procedure instead.

  45. Hi Jim,

    Thank you for the post. The base64 examples works great for files less then 4 MB. However, for files larger then 4 MB I am interested in looking at using MTOM. Do you have any examples of using MTOM within Peoplesoft/Peoplecode?


  46. @Washington, I don't have any examples. I'm actually not familiar with MTOM. I just looked it up and it looks like it is a W3C recommendation for embedding binary in XML... but not quite. Actually, using pointers to MIME boundaries that contain binary data. I don't seem MIME boundaries as an issue with PeopleSoft, what I do see as an issue is getting the binary data from where ever (database, file, etc) and into an Integration Broker message. I'm not sure how that would work.

    Now, with that said, Integration Broker isn't the only way to integrate. On occasion, I've been known to use Axis2 proxies and commons-httpclient from PeopleCode rather than use Integration Broker. If you have a Java based MTOM library, then using it would be pretty simple. If not, then using plain old http through a client like common-httpclient is another alternative. It really depends on whether PeopleSoft is the service or the client. If it is the client, then you are free to do whatever you want. If it is the listener, then... Hmmm... I wonder if a custom ListeningConnector would be appropriate here.

  47. Hi Jim,

    I have downloaded the Codec 1.5 jar file and copied it to my Application server CLASSPATH ($PS_HOME/appserv/classes). When I try to use the code you provided, I am getting below error.
    "Java Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64InputStream: finding class org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream (2,725) STF_PD_RCOM_WRK.HYPERLINK.FieldChange PCPC:9719 Statement:89

    The noted error was encountered while looking for the given class. Possible errors include a misspelling of the class name, or not having the location of the class file in the CLASSPATH."

    Please let me know what and where I am making a mistake. Please advice. Appreciate your help.


  48. @Raju, Jar files aren't accessible automatically. When the app sever starts, it iterates over all jar files in the directory and adds them to the class path. If restarting your app server doesn't solve the issue, then try placing the file in $PS_HOME/class and then restart the app server.

  49. Hi Jim,

    The Solution that you have provided worked perfectly. Sorry for replying late i was engaged in some other assignment.

    I have one more hurdle to cross.My question to Oracle was "Will there be any impact if we upgrade Commons-codec-1.3.jar to Commons-codec-1.5.Jar in our PS envr".

    Answer:"Since this is upgrade will entail the modification of the original and required JRE (1.6.x) by replacing the Commons-codec-1.3.jar file with the Commons-codec-1.5.Jar file this environment will no longer be certified and supported as it requires the original JRE 1.6.x files. If this implementation is carried out and the PeopleSoft environment requires any troubleshooting for any reason, the change would need to be backed out so that the original and supported JRE is re-established".

    So is there a way in peoplesoft to set the class path before calling the java class or to change the CLASSPATH dynamically. So what should be my approach here.


  50. @Raju, Yes, you can create custom class loaders and dynamically load jars. See the URLClassLoader for more details. Unfortunately, this will likely require you to do all your work in PeopleCode/Java reflection, which is very ugly. An alternative would be to write some custom java that uses the class loader and returns the appropriate values, or objects with strongly typed return types instead of "Object." Your custom Java won't violate any support agreements.

  51. Hi Jim,

    Thanks for your valuable suggestion.
    When i am going through people books under the Java class i found that When PeopleTools loads the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), PeopleTools builds a class path for the JVM from the following elements. And there will be a specific search order. First it looks into PS_HOME\class then PS_HOME\appserv\classes and later For each directory listed in the "Add To CLASSPATH" parameter of the psappsrv.cfg configuration file.(where we can keep the custom jar files).

    So is it bad to keep this code.1.5.jar in a custom path and add it to the "Add To CLASSPATH" parameter. Please suggest. When i tried this it is working fine.


  52. @Raju, using Add to Classpath is actually the best way. Well done.

  53. I keep getting the following error when attempting to run this code in 2-tier Application Designer.

    Java Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64InputStream: finding class org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream (2,725) ZFS_SAFESERV.MAIN.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step04.OnExecute PCPC:287

    Message Set Number: 2

    Message Number: 725

    Message Reason: Java Exception: %1: finding class %2 (2,725)

    I have copied the .jar files to pshome/class and had our administrators reboot the application/web/batch servers and it still can't locate the class.

    Also, I've seen the PS_CLASSPATH environment variable may need to be modified, however I cannot find any information on where this value can be set. Can someone help? Thanks!

  54. @Michael, 2 tier means it isn't running through your app server, and is using your local App Designer's PS_HOME. Make sure you have the jar files in your local peopletools PS_HOME as well.

  55. Thanks for your help Jim. I was able to successfully run this when going through App Server. I was just testing it out using an App Engine in 2-tier, but it won't be used that way when I get to production.

    I have another question regarding Base64 decoding. We have a 3rd-party document management system that is sending a Base64-encoded string via a web-service response. I am able to retrieve this value, decode it, and save it to a TIF file, however is there a way to decode this stream and output the TIF to the user via %Response.Write (or something like this) without actually storing a file on the App Server? We would prefer not to physically store the TIF file and then have to go back and clean it up. Thanks!

    FYI...I was fortunate enough to win a copy of your PeopleSoft PeopleTools Tips & Techniques book at a session you presented at Collaborate11. It is an excellent book and has some very useful information.

  56. @Michael, I'm glad you are putting the book to good use.

    You can use the Response.WriteBinary (not documented) method to write binary data to the browser. I have only used this method with blob data from database fields (either SQLExec or SQL cursor). If you can get your binary data into a variable and write it with Response.WriteBinary, then you are good to go.

  57. Hi Jim ,

    Can you guide on how to send a file as an attachment using integration broker in people soft i am not finding any useful document on the same.
    If possible can you provide some sample code or walkthrough.

  58. @Sachin, XML doesn't allow binary content. Integration Broker deals with XML (and plain text, but with an XML wrapper). The only way I know of to send binary data (attachment) through integration broker is by Base64 encoding the binary data. That is the point of this post. Use the code here to base64 encode your attachment, and then insert the base64 string into your XML payload.

  59. Thanks Jim for your prompt response.

  60. Hi Jim,

    Our People system is going to receive a pdf file from the third party site through a pushbutton on the PeopleSoft page. The problem is that we want to save the pdf file in our UNIX server so that we want to merge the downloaded PDF's into one PDF file.

    I cannot use ViewURL or ViewContentURL because the functions display the pdf file in the browser window instead of saving the file on the UNIX server.

    Do you have idea how to redirect (or pipe) the pdf to a file (or binary data) on the UNIX server when the website is called from the PeopleSoft page through the pushbutton?

    The website url is like this:

    I tried use CopyAttachments or %IntBroker.ConnectorRequest but I haven't had any success so far.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  61. @Timothy, GetAttachment and PutAttachment are the server side versions of ViewAttachment and ViewXXUrl... but the GetAttachment and PutAttachment deal with FTP or database storage locations and only move files between the app server and those storage locations. I am not aware of specific PeopleCode functions for accessing binary HTTP. The integration broker methods were designed for text based integration, not binary.

    If I were to accomplish this task, I would use PeopleCode's support for the JavaObject variable type to make the HTTP request and save it locally. If you have access to your app server's lib directory, then the easiest way is to download the commons-httpclient and write your own Java to make the HTTP request and save the file. Then you can create an instance of the JavaObject through your FieldChange PeopleCode.

    If writing Java or downloading a library is not an option, you can still do this with Java, but it will be a lot more work. In this scenario you would create instances of Java objects using CreateJavaObject and then work with the low level HTTP connection directly to write the binary response to a FileOutputStream. This scenario is more difficult because PeopleSoft doesn't support casting or overloaded constructors. Doing anything complex often requires using Java reflection. Both this blog and my book contain many examples of using Java with PeopleCode.

  62. Hi JIm,

    Good Morning.

    We have an requirement of interacting from peoplesoft finance system to third party webserver to get the files in base64 format.

    Request you to please let me know how to convert these base64 format data received through response message , back to original file or BLOB to insert into peoplesoft records.


  63. @viswanathareddy, if the received base64 data is binary, then you will need to use Java as shown in this blog post to write the binary streams to file, and then import them using PutAttachment. If the incoming data is base64 encoded text, then you can use any one of the mechanisms shown here to convert the base64 to plain text, and then SQLExec, etc it into your database.

  64. Hi Jim,

    Many thanks for your time in reply.

    We are using SQL server so we are facing the challnegs in converting base64 encoded text to binary as there is no UTL functions provided in sqlserver like in oracle data base.

    and also request you to please provide me the java files which can be used to convert (common codec) base64 binary back to original file.

    Viswanathareddy K.

  65. @viswa, The commons codec Java is available for download from the link in the code above. Decoding is very similar to encoding, except that you will be writing to a Java file object inside your read loop. Your Base64InputStream constructor will use "false" instead of "true" and will use something like the

    First you will create a Java string from your PeopleCode base64 input string (see the fourth line of my Regular Expressions example). Then you will create a new ByteArrayInputStream... something like this:

    Local JavaObject &f_in = CreateJavaObject("", &j_string.getBytes());

    In line 3 of the example in this post, instead of creating a BufferedReader, you will create a FileOutputStream (or BufferedOutputStream), passing in the name of your file as the constructor. The rest is the loop, and for the loop you will read from &coder_in (which should probably be renamed &decoder_in) and write to the FileOutputStream.

  66. Hi Viswa,

    May be you can try this as well , this works in microsoft sql server, store your base64 in a record and then use below casting function to convert it into binary data . kindly note the below cast function is case sensitive and hence u have to use %NoUpperCase metasql.

    , CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("A.FILE_DATA")))'
    , 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle_base64

    Sachin Kumar Jhawar

  67. @Sachin thank you. That is very helpful. So the idea here would be to save the incoming base64 data in a row in a table (SQLExec), and then SQLExec again as an insert/select that converts from base64 to binary. For inserting into long character fields, you can SQLExec, but be sure to use the %Text Meta-SQL. In fact, you may be able to use %Text with the CAST to convert directly from b64 into bin without a staging table.

    Although, Sachin, the fact that you are selecting from PSFILE_ATTDET tells me that you are base64 encoding binary data. Can you post the reverse: decoding base64 into binary?

  68. Yes Jim the sql example was indeed used in context of converting base64 from binary, but i modified the data type ,so that same can be used , if you notice in the below sql ,i have declared the result as varbinary(max) , for binary to base64 conversation this would be varchar(max) . so for our scenario it can be something ilke as described in b

    , CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("A.FILE_DATA")))'
    , 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle_base64

    b) %NoUpperCase
    insert into PS_Target table
    select CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("A.")))'

    , 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle_binary
    FROM PS_Source_table A

    let me know if this works ! or i have to come up with actual sql and syntaxes !!

  69. @Sachin, thank you again.

  70. @washington, PeopleTools 8.52 supports MTOM. The PeopleBook entry Sending and Receiving Binary Files contains code samples and documentation for sending and receiving binary files using MTOM. I'm wondering if I can use this new feature for UCM/document management system file transfers and mobile image uploads (expense receipt photos?).

  71. Jim,

    I want to do the opposite - I encode a excel workbook on my laptop, and format a SOAP request in VB to send the encoded payload to IB. In my app package, how can I decode back to binary and put to a server path?

    I can get the message, grab the encoded text into a string or array - now I want to decode it and somehow do a put_attatchement.

    - Dan

  72. @Dan, take a look at this post Base64 Encoding Binary Files in PT 8.52. If you are using PT 8.52 or higher, you can use the File.WriteBase64StringToBinary method to write a base64 string to a binary file. If not, then the next easiest way is to use the Commons Codec library shown here, but changes the in's to out: FileOutputStream, Base64OutputStream, etc.

  73. Hi Jim/Sachin

    created a staging table with field as long to hold base64 resposne and i used below sql to convert it to hexbinary as you mentioned.

    , CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("A.FILE_DATA")))'
    , 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle_base64

    But iam getting the below error

    Return: 8602 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]XQuery: SQL type 'text' is not supported in XQuery. (SQLSTATE 37000) 6739

    Instead of column is i use
    decalre @str varchar(20);
    set @str = 'VEVTVDE=';
    SELECT CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:variable("@str"))', 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle

    iam getting the hexbinary value.

    Please help me with the column type xquery.

  74. Hi Jim,Sachin

    If we use sql:column option to convert base64 to hexbinary , its not handling the text/image sql types.

    , CAST(N'' AS xml).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("A.FILE_DATA")))'
    , 'varbinary(max)') AS sql_handle_base64

    So converted base64 stream to hexbinary by using below sql.

    &Hex = "NOUPPERCASE SELECT CAST(N'' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(" | Char(34) | &Base64_String| Char(34) | ")' , 'VARBINARY(MAX)')"; and then inserted into fileattachment records after proper handling of file seqnum.

    But with this appraoch if base64_string exceeds 32700 its giving error saying that maximum lengthe of sql statment exceeded.


  75. Hi Jim,

    I have a requirement to display the company logo in the email generated using generic templates and value to this generic templates need to be sent via SQL/Query?

    Please let me know if you come across this kind of scenario or do have any idea how can we display image in mail?

    Thank you in advance

  76. @Chetan, I have not. You should be able to accomplish this with HTML based e-mail. I suggest you post your question on the PopleSoft OTN Forum or PeopleTools IT Toolbox group.

  77. Hi Jim

    I have a requirement to read a File object in a IB XML message coming from external system using Peoplecode. Please let me know the best way we can accomplish this.


  78. @Kamesh, Is this synchronous or asynchronous? The PeopleCode will be the same, but configuration within the Service Operation will be slightly different.

    I assume that the XML you will be processing is part of the "payload" delivered with the request, not an actual file sitting on the file server? For transmitted XML, you have a couple of options. I'm not sure there is one way that is easier than another, they are just different. If the incoming message is rowset based, then you can use Message.GetRowset to iterate over the results as if the XML was a component buffer. If it is not rowset based, then you can either use XSL in a routing transform to make it rowset based, or you can use the Message.GetXmlDoc method to get a pointer to the XML document. With a reference to the XML document, you can traverse the nodes or use XPath selections to identify information within the XML document.

  79. Hi Jim

    Thank you for the reply. This would be synchronous.Yes I am trying to read response message dropped as result of my request.
    The message type would be non rowset.

    What if one of the element in the response XML message is Pdf file or some text file. I am looking for a technique to handle a data file coming as XML element.

    We have Document repository system for which Invoice copied would be stored for Peoplesoft Vouchers.

    My requirement is when user clicks button i need to send a request message with Business Unit and Voucher ID as request to documentum. If there is scanned copy of Invoice exists on documentum will send the scanned of Invoice as reponse. I would need to read that Invoice copy and display in new window.

    Please suggest what is the best way to do this

  80. @Kameswara, I assume the content embedded in the XML is base64? That is the typical way to send binary data embedded in XML. If you have PeopleTools 8.52 or later, you can use the new File.WriteBase64StringToBinary method to create a binary file from base64 encoded data. Once you have it in a file, you can use PutAttachment to move the file into the database.

  81. Hi Jim

    Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately we are on 8.50 tools. What is the function I need to use in here.I dont see write64stringtobinary here in 8.50.

  82. @Kameswara, you are correct. This function did not exist in 8.50. Basically, you need to do the reverse of this post. I haven't posted the code for that. I suggest you use the Apache Commons Base64Outputstream.

  83. Hi Kamesh,

    Please check the blog with my post of earlier date , there is a solution to get the file using casting method but that was applicable to sql server, we may find equivalent in other databases.

    let me know how it goes.

    Sachin Kumar Jhawar

  84. @Sachin, Kameswara is doing exactly the opposite.

  85. Thanks Jim , here is what i found and could be interesting a quick search in peoplesoft itself has yielded lot many Base64 application package utilities. my search was on 8.51 though!
    as you said earlier that can be used as an option and one more thing i noticed which will make the job simpler , after the binary string encoded in base64 is decoded one can use File.writeraw to get the file directly.

  86. Hi Jim

    Finally I came up with the following code to read the pdf file from third party.

    &RespMsg = &Msg.SyncRequest();

    &RespXMLDoc = &RespMsg.GetXmlDoc();

    &Invoicecopy = &RespXMLDoc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("dctmIntegrationResponse");

    &datanode = &Invoicecopy [1].GetElement();

    &File = &datanode.NodeValue;

    Local JavaObject &EncodeDecode = CreateJavaObject("org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64");

    Local JavaObject &ByteString = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", &File);

    Local JavaObject &buf = &ByteString.getBytes();
    Local number &byteCount = &buf.length;

    Local JavaObject &ByteData = &EncodeDecode.decodeBase64(&buf);

    Local JavaObject &ConvertedString = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", &ByteData, "UTF-8");

    Local JavaObject &buf1 = &ConvertedString.getBytes();
    Local number &byteCount1 = &buf1.length;

    Local JavaObject &fstream2 = CreateJavaObject("", "/gl/psoft/data/inputs/InvcFrmDcmtm.pdf", True);
    &fstream2.write(&buf1, 0, &byteCount1);

    Please note that &File contains the actual encoded data from third party.

    The issue here is after the code is executed the pdf file is generated but the file is not opening and says the data might be corrupted. Please note that third party sending scanned images in pdf to Peoplesoft.

    Please let me know where I am doing wrong here.


  87. @Kamesh, thank you for sharing that code. Instead of decoding to a buffer, and then writing it to a file, what about using the Base64OutputStream(new FileOutputStream(...), true)? That way you are combining the decoding and the writing.

  88. Still No luck using the Base64Output stream. I have realized that the data i am receiving in the form of Hexadecimal format showing some text characters. Is there way to convert HexaString to Binary String in Peoplesoft before I do base64 decoding.

  89. @Kamesh, I think I understand what you are asking, but I don't know if there is such a thing as a "binary string." I supposed there is a binary representation of a string, which would be Java's String.getBytes().

    Based on what you said, I would just continue down the path you already have. Good work!

  90. I am trying to send a PDF to a ThirdParty Vendor thru a Message .

    PT 8.52 Using &base64string = &MYFILE.GetBase64StringFromBinary();

    It seems to work, But For some reason PS Tries to break it up into 2 Parts.. The 1st part gets sent and It chokes on the 2nd part Telling me the J Is invalid ..
    So Far I am hacking away tring to make it work

    /* Create Soap Message*/
    &SoapDoc = CreateSOAPDoc();

    &SoapDoc.AddMethod(&PDocMessage, 1);
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("shortname", ZZ_TEST.COMPANYID.Value);
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("authcode", ZZ_TEST.PASSWORD_MIXED.Value);
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("projectNumber", &PPRoject);
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("BPName", &PBPName);
    &BPXML = RTrim(&PXMLBPXDoc.GenFormattedXmlString());
    &BPXML = RTrim(Substring(&BPXML, Find("", &BPXML), Len(&BPXML))); /* Add Additional Data Remove XML Version*/
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("BPXML", &BPXML);
    &SoapDoc.AddParm("iszipfile", "no");

    &FILEHND = "ContentSection1";
    &FILEHND = &FILEHND | "" | &FileName | "";

    &SoapDoc.AddParm("files", &FILEHND);


    &WorkXMLStr = &SoapDoc.GenFormattedXmlString();

    &SoapXmlDoc = CreateXmlDoc(&WorkXMLStr);
    &Request = CreateMessage(@("Operation." | Upper(&PDocMessage)));


    If (&Request.SetContentString(&base64string)) Then
    &Request.SegmentContentType = "application/pdf";
    &Request.SegmentContentTransfer = %ContentTransfer_Binary;

    &response = %IntBroker.SyncRequest(&Request); /* <-Send Request-> */

    I then See the message in msglog...
    It gets the whole Message but then it seems to split it up ...

    First part goes in this block

    NonRepudiation : [False]
    TransactionID : [d2e33a18-dd65-11e4-be75-e83ba9ece793]
    DataChunkCount : [2]
    SOAPAction : ["updateCompleteBPRecord"]
    Content-Type : [text/xml]
    MessageType : [sync]
    From : [PSFT_FNDEV92P]
    MessageName : [updateCompleteBPRecord]
    DataChunk : [1]
    version : [V1]

    Then the Mime GOes in This block . And it just get errors so the whole message blows up..

    NonRepudiation : [False]
    TransactionID : [d2e33a18-dd65-11e4-be75-e83ba9ece793]
    DataChunkCount : [2]
    Content-Type : [text/xml]
    MessageType : [sync]
    From : [PSFT_FNDEV92P]
    MessageName : [updateCompleteBPRecord]
    DataChunk : [2]
    version : [V1]

    with this error
    Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <> Unexpected character 'J' (code 74) in prolog; expected '<'
    at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]

    It looks like I am missing something soo simple

  91. @William, do you think Integration Broker is chunking because the message is larger than the maximum application message size? I believe this setting used to be on the PeopleTools options page.

  92. The message is actually very small. It looks like it just split the message. It sends the first part and receives an answer.. then sends the second part as the mime and PS get confused not knowing knowing what to do with the mime... And complains the it is expecting a < instead of a J which is the first char in the mime

  93. @William, you said PeopleSoft gets confused when it receives the MIME. Is PeopleSoft receiving this message and some other system is sending a two-part message to PeopleSoft?

  94. Jim

    I am sending an Message to a third party .. I look at log and I see the message I created then I see 2 chunks as it send it in 2 pieces..

    I also tried to send thru SoapUI... And the third party is saying the pdf is corrupted... Looks like they cant handle the 64basestring , Looks like tey are expecting a Binary mime... How Would I send that !!

  95. @William, did you try MTOM?

  96. I did try MTOM . I added the extra PS Field .. ANd it tried to send it but the error was even weirder it just did not accept anything.. I am also asked the third Party. they mentiond that theyt are expecting Binary information not a string.. So Now I am stuck again.

    I am starting to think about writing something Outside Peoplesoft

  97. @William, it sounds like they just want the PDF without all of the web services layer. Yes, you may have to write something else. An alternative would be to write a custom target connector (example in my book). The benefit of a custom target connector would be security and single system.

  98. Hmmm ... Actually I think I have your Book at home.... Which one and chapter...

  99. @William, chapter 12 shows how to create a JDBCTargetConnector. You can modify this connector to connect to the target system and deliver a PDF. The connector would transform the base64 into binary before transmission.

  100. I got the same problem of Kameswara Rao I have to read the pdf file from third party and create it locally... someone solved it? ... please help me

  101. Sorry Jim. Had to step away from this project for a bit,,(Hoping it would go away).. No such luck. But we upgraded to 8.54

    I took a look at chapter 12... WOW So Complicated... isn't there an easier way. Just send a Soap message with the Binary PDF attached..


  102. @Will, the problem is there is no such thing as a binary SOAP message. Only plain text. PeopleSoft MTOM support may help with binary.

  103. But how do I stick the Binary file as the attachment... with the 64 Base Concept it was a string....How do I put pdf here ??


  104. @Jim

    I decided to go to an external Java Program that would do the connection and send the Message...

    But now Need it to send Parameters to Java and I am looking thru your books for aid, Cant find some basics..

    I am trying To write the peoplecode to Process the Java , But I am looking for a little guidance on how you would instantiate the object and then send Parameter to it since it is looking for something like /f filname /a Authcode etc

    Peoplecode (My Guess)

    local javaobject &WSTEST = GetJavaClass("MainService2.WStest()");

    &Results = &WSTEST.....

    Snippit Java...
    public class WSTest {

    static MainService2 service;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    //declare variables
    String shortname = "";// = "TESTUS";
    String authcode = "";// = "TESTPOASS";
    String projectNumber = "";// = "E94";

    for(int a =0; a < args.length; a++)
    if(args[a] == "/f") //filename
    FileName = args[a];
    System.out.println("FileName set to: " + FileName);
    else if(args[a] == "/s") //shortname
    shortname = args[a];
    System.out.println("shortname set to: " + shortname);
    else if(args[a] == "/a") //authcode
    authcode = args[a];
    System.out.println("authcode set to: " + authcode);
    else if(args[a] == "/p") //unifier project number

  105. @William, it looks like your Java logic is in public static void main. This is why you are having difficulty passing parameters. Create methods (or one method) with the logic and have a parameter for each argument you expect to receive. I would make the method static so you can use GetJavaClass("...").nameOfMethod(parm1, parm2, parm3,...) to execute the Java.

    You can still have a public static void main method, just move your logic out of that method. For local testing, call the other method from the main method.

  106. Figured it out
    Local JavaObject &Abc, &RefArray;
    Local array of String &Parms;

    &Parms = CreateArray();

    /* Populate array how ever you want to populate it */

    &Abc = GetJavaObject("com.peoplesoft.def.Abc");

    /* Create the java array object. */

    &JavaParms = CreateJavaArray("java.lang.String[]", &Parms.Len);

    /* Populate the java array from the PeopleCode array. */

    &RefArray = GetJavaClass("java.lang.reflect.Array");

    For &I = 1 to &Parms.Len
    &RefArray.set(&JavaParms, &I - 1, &Parms[&I]);

    /* Call the method. */

  107. Thanks , I am doing as you suggested But I am getting a funky error...

    ErrorReturn-> 763 - Java Exception: org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    at$ Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils$
    at Method)
    at org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils.loadClass(
    at org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils.forName(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.getJavaClass(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.makeNewInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.getNewInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.getInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDChain.makeNewInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.getNewInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployableItem.getInstance(
    at org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDDeployment.getGlobalRequest(
    at org.apache.axis.configuration.FileProvider.getGlobalRequest(
    at org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.getGlobalRequest(
    at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
    at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
    at mainservice.Unifier_WS_AttachmentSender.SendAttachment(

    org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    at$ Source)
    at$ Source)

  108. @William, do you have all of the Apache Axis libraries in the application server class path?

  109. I guess Not.... I separated those all out in a separate directory....
    But I do not Know... on the Process scheduler where would they put it and where would I adjust


  110. @William, in the process scheduler, it goes in the class path as well. PeopleBooks documents the Java class path. The recommendation is to put files in the Add to Path variable in the app server configuration. I believe the process scheduler has the same thing. The easiest, but not recommended approach is to put all class and jar files in the class or classes directory (depending on the server type).

  111. Funny

    I took all the extra Jar from the seperate dir and put them in the main Class directory. and still got errors..


  112. @William, I am sorry. I forgot to mention that you need to restart your app or process scheduler (depending on deployment location). The jar files in the class (or classes) directory are read once at startup and appended to the class path. It has been a while since I investigated, but on Linux I remember there being two class directories, one named class, and the other named appserve/classes. Make sure you deploy to the correct folder. The one with the most jar files and folders is the right folder.

  113. Thanks Bud, Heading out for a little vacation and will try when I get back


  114. Jim

    You mentioned putting the java(jar) in the class directory (no problem). But I needed extra Libraries(Jar) that I put in a separate sub directory. I really only want these libraries used for my initial App ( I am nervous about adding to the cfg file for all to use, Reason some are old). is there a way to add or adjust the library List just for this App before I get the java class ??


  115. @William, you can load jars at runtime using a ClassLoader. Once they are loaded into the JRE, however, they are there until the app server or process scheduler is restarted.

  116. But the class loader assume all my code is in

    But My jars are set in directory Structure


    Does that make sense

  117. @William, only if you use the default class loader. Try the URLClassLoader. See this Stack Overflow thread and Example | Java Code Geeks. Since the jar files are actually in your class path, you should be able to use Class.getResource("Unifier/uniferSnd.jar"), etc, to get the URL for your jar files and then load them with URLClassLoader.

  118. Interesting I will have to try that Out.


  119. Jim, my client cannot/will not add any java class libraries to the PeopleSoft environment. So I cannot use the Apache binary encoder. Is there a way I can use sun.misc.BASE64Encoder to encode a pdf(binary) file?

    I need to send the pdf file to a web service using SOAP...

  120. @jb Yes, you can use the sun encoder.

  121. I found code on one of your other Base64 encoding threads that uses reflection. However, in that code you were using text instead of binary data. Will that work as shown (I'm not very savvy in Java).

  122. @jb, I was wondering about that. Your solution will be a combination of these posts. PeopleCode does not have a binary variable type, only text, so you will need to use Java to open the file as shown in this post, but just use a different base64 conversion.

  123. Hi Jim,
    I have similar requirement like William Galusz. I need to send pdf to 3rd party through message(IB) that can be viewed or downloaded. My pdf are stored on ftp server. I am just a beginner to this. Could you please send me a sample code if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  124. Savvy

    If the third Party will allow base64 String... Peoplesoft handles it great. But When it is Binary. For some reason it does not work.... So I wrote a Stand alone external Java Program. Parameters were the File name and directory and the URL to send it out... And it worked great.

    Another group have a similar issue reading a Binary PDF attachment. I beilive they are requesting the third party to send them a 64Base string ....But I am not involved so I am happy


  125. Hi William,
    Thanks for your response. I had already used Base64 fxn. It works gr8.

    Jim: I have a new query regarding CI. Component Interface doesnot support DoSaveNow, DoSave, IsModal, EndModal. My component is using these fxns, so with which fxn should I replace them when running through CI. I want an alternate for them for CI.

  126. Hi Jim,

    We are in Peopletools 8.54 and currently integrating with one of the document management systems.

    Document management system has exposed webservice to Peopelsoft. I have successfully established the connectivity no problem in that.

    I need to pick the file from FTP server , encode the file and send it accross.

    for the above, I am currently using &m_strBase64 = &F1.GetBase64StringFromBinary(); method to convert file into base64.

    I have also been successful in making this whole process works for 31 KB file.

    But as soons as I changed to file > 40 KB, integration starts failing.

    But If I take the request message from failed XML and pasted into SOAPUI it works fine.

    Could you please suggest if there is any IB level, routing level setting can be changed OR any coding suggestions.


  127. Hi Jim,

    I need to encode a text using UTF8 in peoplecode.

    Could you please suggest for any options.


  128. @Devi, I think what you are interested in is the charset. This may be important depending on the language, but not as important with English. I don't know that I've ever considered it with PeopleCode because most PeopleSoft databases today are already Unicode. You may be able to perform charset conversions using SQL and your database, but another option is to use CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", "string to convert", Charset object).

  129. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Hello Jim
    Thanks a lot for all your thread and good tips it helped me a lot.

    I got a question .

    I'm asked to decode a xml file that has been store in our SQL database as a varbinary field after a few try with Java and SQL I'm out of clue on how to do it.

    If you got any hint I will be gad to read it

